Elim News Archive

It’s darkest before the dawn
Faith, truth, and tough questions
The Bible is essential for our instruction
It’s a cracking way to tell truth about Jesus
Leaders gather for reflection, connection, and equipping
We must continue supporting Ukraine
A celebration of study for graduates
A love that’s still burning so strongly
How Regents helped my ministry journey
Impacting our heads, hearts and hands
Faith, rugby, and mental health: How one chaplain is changing the game
A triple celebration for Elim in Zimbabwe
Breathe out the past!
Praying for your pastor
A new approach to renewal: Prioritizing wellbeing over resolutions
God speaks
This is the year of hope!
Conference: Dementia Awareness in the Church
Every step was His plan
Who first saw the leader in you?
How can we equip our towns for God’s kingdom?
Thinking inside the box!
Beacon Church scores big with fruitful outreach
When a miracle was our only hope
Changing lives through discipleship
Peter's Shadow
Bringing light to a dark subject
Is it time for you to take time out?
How church had the back of a hurting community
What's your Spiritual Temperament?
Reaching out to people given the ‘gift of years’
Racial Justice Sunday: Will You Join the Call for Unity and Action?
We're ready to clock up another century!
No man is an island
Reaching out in France
When Leaders Fall
The holiday of a lifetime!
News story of the ages
Standing in awe of the living God
We’re not sheepish about spreading the joy of Jesus!
Messy Church: It’s church, but not as you know it
We need to be like farmers
Elim joins faith leaders who oppose Bill to legalise assisted suicide
Minority Report
Songwriting is like therapy for me
When you fast, your Father will reward you...
Our dream is to build a Polish church for Elim
Oakes grows into calling!
How our members are becoming Kingdom citizens
God heals
Don’t worry about what you don’t know
Shine Your Light this Christmas
Can ministry take place on TikTok?
Our prayers were affecting the nation
Courage and faith
God’s Influencers
Top tip for effective leadership
Light party draws over 140 children for a night of fun, faith, and community
Are you ready to answer the call to mission?
No one is beyond hope... God can transform any life
It’s all about asking simple questions!
We were united as ONE voice
Four key beliefs we need at the core of our faith today
Putting a Spring in our step!
The layers of church growth
Families in Exeter engage in creative mission using Lego
Whoever is generous lends to the Lord
We’re uniting to reach non-church children
In the morning you hear our voice!
Take a step to be on a pathway to evangelism
There’s a Weoley exciting future for church!
Gwasanaeth yw’r cyntaf i Elim! (Service is the first for Elim!)
Appreciate every generation
God’s timing is always perfect
Vision becoming reality
No room for complacency
There’s a way out of anxiety
A ‘grand’ part of God’s plan!
What happens when prayer’s unanswered?
You’re never too old to be used by God...
Surrender to a move of the Spirit like we’ve never seen before
Moving members from the margins to the centre
Building a ministry the community can bank on
The truth about addictions will set you FREE!
The importance of consecration
Playing with broken strings
Here I am Lord, send me!
A storm is coming...
Be nurtured by nature
How can we nurture faith in teenagers?
Is the church ready to answer the questions of Theology 101?
We’re proving that two are better than one...
Every knee shall bow...
Michelle Nunn becomes new Regents Principal
On track to reach travellers in London
Being beacons of hope and light in our communities during national crisis
Something’s brewing to help Elim projects
A fresh awakening
We’re going back on the mission field
All hands on deck as church sees a massive conversion!
Embracing grace and truth in a divided world
Martyrs’ blood is seed of the church
Marty Davison announced as Elim’s new International Missions Director
It’s normal to be affected by difficult situations
We need to talk about porn – but how?
Equipping the church
Tears are a sign that God is touching our centre
What lies beneath?
Is church in a headset a virtual reality?
How church can help parents raise their children in the faith
We want the children to know this isn’t just an adult church...
Gathering gives wider Elim family a sense of belonging
My leg grew and my years of pain ended after prayer
We are stepping into a season of consecration
How church grew out of a taxing situation!
We’re not ashamed of the gospel
God is calling us to be bold
We’re witnessing the fulfilling of the Great Commission
Get ready to be fired up at the Elim Evangelism Conference!
Ministers are no different when it comes to coping
Don’t forget the bigger picture of God’s Kingdom
New hope for revival
How can the church make a difference during elections?
God keeps calling me back after 70 years in ministry
When looking after older generations gets Messy!
We’re being called to wake up and be filled with the Spirit
We can’t abandon chunks of Scripture!
New GS senses a fresh fire in Elim’s mission
Awakening healthy disciples
I’m stepping aside with a great sense of peace, anticipation and excitement for what lies ahead
Support’s twice as ’Andy for churches!
Why our focus is on ‘growing small’
Awakening healthy churches
Telling the Elim story
God doesn’t lose interest as we age
Older people need a voice, so I became a care home chaplain
Jesus changed the rules. Winners come last
Awakening healthy leaders
A lesson in how prayer spaces impact schools
Watch the Elim Ordination Service 2024
The signs of a slumbering soul
Learn to understand yourself!
Finding your way to Calvary
A defining moment as Mark Pugh becomes Elim's new national leader
Limitless announces speakers for Limitless Festival 2024
Leaders pay tribute to Chris Cartwright
Equip the Saints at Elim Leaders Summit 2025
Why did Jesus have to die?
My success hasn’t come overnight
Watch day 3 of Elim Leaders Summit 2024
Watch day 2 of Elim Leaders Summit 2024
Watch day 1 of Elim Leaders Summit 2024
God’s not dead, his Spirit empowers us
They’re incredibly hungry for God...
Michelle Nunn announced as the Principal of Regents Theological College
Our ministries are flourishing inside and outside the church
Church planted in a garden bears fruit!
Reaching every child
Free live streams to equip you to thrive in purposeful mission
The bigger picture
Cheap Grace
What’s love got to do with it?
Our 40 years as Elim missionaries in Harare
Is the church asleep? It's time to wake up!
London’s calling for theological studies!
What’s it like for Christians in education?
Coolings help turn up the heat at growing church!
I’m hanging up my gown...
History maker and pioneer who’s still going strong
Challenge for church as congregation grows
Church e-merges to reach out to wider community
The Call of God
Proximity not volume
Should we be reaching nations?
This is my beloved Son
Cultivating Christian leaders
Worship and wonder
Revival in the rubble
Are you talking the talk while walking the walk?
Mark Pugh announced as new General Superintendent of the Elim Pentecostal Church
Are you open to an open day?
Regents was the obvious choice for my Masters...
Regents breathes new LIFE into faith studies
Throwing light on the pathway to ministry!
I wasn't planning on moving to Romania...
Hesitant because ministry runs in the family
The words of eternal life
A perfect time to reflect
Five reasons why your church needs a Missions Champion
There’s a real community!
Does live-streaming still have a place in churches?
Learn to lead from a healthy place
Trusting God through the twists and turns
Do spiritual disciplines really matter?
Are you feeling spiritually dry?
What's your legacy?
A pivotal month in the history of Elim
Conference plan marks Network’s growth
I thought call from God was 'wide' of the mark!
‘You could see some deep moments taking place’
In the beginning...
Mission is for everyone!
Elim Leaders Summit 2024 speakers announced
Why we’re still serving after all these years
Don’t be nervous... it’s good to talk
Why you need to share a world-shaping message
Navigating ministry together: One married couple's journey to God's calling
What can churches do about discipling people with autism?
Four hugs a day for survival, eight hugs a day for maintenance, and twelve for growth
Fresh revelations of eternal truths
Character is forged in the heat of life
Wisdom of a teenage mum
God has given me the drive to help Hartlepool
Why our church supports the work of Elim missionary
New Year's message from Chris Cartwright 2024
Become a prayer warrior
Our true identity lies in our relationship with Christ
When it’s time to take a break!
Perth Elim's Grub Hub outreach: it's a God thing
Glory to God... everywhere!
Should AI robots write sermons?
Shedding light on being human
How to build 'generations together' congregations?
Has your church had an electric shock?
Do not underestimate the power of friendship
Reactivating evangelism: Real time, real place and for real people
Is your church ready to welcome people from other cultures?
Unveiling the complexities of charismatic renewal and Pentecostalism
Artificial Intelligence: for me or not for me?
How three community-focused churches are honouring and blessing local people
You are a missionary where you are
On the frontline for Jesus
Our God is a God of mission
The foundation of leadership
Percy Brewster – ‘Elim’s Elisha’
The Elim Network Church pioneering the first London community grocery store
Digital evangelism with Ed Stetzer
How to communicate the Gospel to our culture
Regents Theological College Graduation 2023
What does a healthy church culture look like?
Make room for the King of Kings
Bringing families into a relationship with Jesus
Mental health in ministry
Seedbed: the training that changes 'Disciples Making Disciples’ from a catchphrase into a reality
Encouragement can transform lives
Dream like Caleb and hold onto promises from the Lord
Don't be influenced by the world; be an influencer in it
What can churches do to support the most vulnerable?
You're invited: Regents Theological College Graduation 2023
The Regents graduates creatively bringing the gospel to children
Elim attends Amsterdam2023 EVERYONE conference
Reaching island communities
No limits!
Our regions
The pastor using miracles to drive his church planting and evangelism work
The community pastor supporting those in times of crisis
The power of power!
Mercy is always costly
Prayers for ordinands as they follow call of God
Sowing hope into the fabric of community!
Regents Theological College launches London campus
Families on crest of a wave thanks to church
God calls us to meet the needs of people in our communities
Come and feast!
Can vision and passion inspire action?
Food for thought leads to community project
How do you manage and protect your mental health?
What seeds are you planting?
We’ve more in common than we have differences
Giving hope to the homeless
Revive Elim's Choice project impacts community
Try Alpha
Stephen Potter reflects on 46 years of ministry
How can we communicate well in today’s culture?
Making much of marriage
Let your kingdom come
Three encouraging trends I see in the UK’s churches
We are hosting Alpha Together
'Reel' good way to reach out to community
The murky world of people smuggling
A new role in retirement
Elim Digital - resourcing the church
30th Anniversary and counting
It's time to sow again!
Elim member honoured by King
Great memories as long serving pastor retires
How is Limitless Festival transforming lives?
Paul's dream job as chaplain
Power bigger than an earthquake
Equipping the Church to Respond to the Mental Health Crisis
Ministry is blooming around the world
Celebrating Windrush 75. A day to remember - a day I won't forget.
Awakening a new generation
Subscribe to the Elim Podcast
New church plant in Newton Abbot
Elim Network offers great opportunities
It was a season that we are so grateful for
The power of Holy Spirit baptism
What is theology all about?
Time to move forward
Is there still room for Christians in politics
Ultimatum that transformed my life
Reshaping Elim Network
The robots are coming
Edinburgh Elim celebrates its 90th anniversary
Don't keep the gospel secret
Encouraging progress
Community gets boost
Embrace the future
A defining moment
North-South united in faith
The power of print
Subscribe and listen to our Elim Podcasts
Church turns negativity into positivity for its community
Busting 6 myths about church planting
Watch the Elim Leaders Summit 2023 main sessions
Count your blessings
How to pray about cost of living crisis
Protecting children and freedoms
The chaplain who’s setting prisoners free
Elim statement regarding the ongoing safeguarding investigation into Mike Pilavachi
The Elim Pentecostal Church prays for King Charles III
Chaplains join Free Churches Group
Elim takes part in World Fellowship Conference
Where are they now?
Spreading hope to the needy
Watch the Elim Leaders Summit live stream
The Signs of fresh hope
The greatest moment to share the gospel
Being in the Elim Leaders Summit volunteer team was a true gift
Programme is vanguard for growth
Don't miss this year's Elim Leaders Summit
Which Bible translation is right for you?
Why it’s good to be at the YMCA
It’s the daddy of podcasts on parenting!
We all need to know the love of God
It’s 100 not out for Regents Theological College!
Blessing people with food for thought at Christmas
Still offering hope after one year in a war zone
Thinking outside the box!
Over 100 responses to the Gospel at Limitless One
Displaying God’s love to those who feel suicidal
Big success of youth group in a tiny village
Chris Cartwright on the value of Regents Theological College
The highs and lows of vulnerability
10 Tips for creating great videos on your phone
Go to the source
New team leads the relational Elim Network
Focus on youth is helping the church see real growth
What does it look like?
Will this inspire you to help people discover Jesus?
Equipping church leaders to thrive in purposeful mission
Responding to the challenge
Genuine questions
It’s time to advance
3 leadership tracks announced for our annual summit
2023 New Year's message from Chris Cartwright
You are welcome at church this Christmas
An invitation to youth and children's ministry workers
Who will you invite?
John Lancaster ran a great race and finished well
Will you leave a legacy?
Amazing grace
A community, a café and a prayer...
Why am I here?
Foundational Truths - Coming King
It’s all about the tension of life’s joys and sorrows
The heart of ministry
Standing at the crossroads of 'maybe'
20 essentials of a good church website
Church sowing seeds of love in community
UK churches unite in prayer to mark Safeguarding Sunday
How to create an engaging website
We just want to love people as God loves us
The beginnings of the Elim Movement
How a little nudge can make a big difference
Foundational Truths - The Future State
Foundational Truths - Salvation
Rugby Elim sees an amazing conversion
Be fruitful and multiply
Latest Elim videos
Evangelism’s best bridge is us Christians
Your ministry is to serve God with all your heart
What's the 'Reel' deal about instagram?
Lockdown unlocked
In memory of Her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II
She brings real joy to everyone who has prayed for us
We’ve created a Gateway to involve our community
When the stones cry out
Reaching Nations
Growing Churches
Developing Leaders
Making Disciples
Mission and the missing generation
20 ways to help your church master social media
The five aspects of spiritual formation and discipleship
Foundational Truths - The Commission
The power of unity as churches join forces
Mobilising mission through the Bible
Escape from the void
Christmas comes early in Caerphilly
But, what can I do?
The signs of the times
New members join Elim's national leadership
Vision of Lights
Our Leaders
Introducing the Elim Network
Foundational Truths - The Trinity
Honouring our past and celebrating our future
Home is where the heart is
A church that’s investing in the next generation
Elim reaches out to help the people of Ukraine
God opened many doors while I was in prison
Mission Hearted
Become Part of Elim
What about our children?
Old Testament ‘signposts’ to the resurrection
Foundational Truths - Ordinances
Get out of the pulpit and walk alongside people
Limitless know how to do family
Creating videos on your phone
Celebrating success in challenging times
It’s time to prioritise the Bible like never before
How to develop a heart for mission
Building great church websites
Every school a prayed-for school
What do you do when you don’t know what to do?
Who needs some of your time?
Foundational Truths - Ministry
Increase engagement with Instagram Reels
Food for thought
Pastor, construction company owner and charity champion
Easter Sunday: Freedom found in a Resurrected life
Holy Saturday: Sabbath patience or scheming plots
Good Friday: the curtain tears
The God-Man in the garden
‘Do this to remember me’
Jesus takes a towel
Jesus in the Temple
Palm Sunday: ‘Behold, your king is coming, sitting on a donkey’s colt’
Get your copy before anyone else
God is asking us to embrace new ways in these new days
Re-wilding the church
How to develop your church social media
Finding it tough to stand out online?
God’s repair shop
Who can you reach in your community?
Avis hits right note in fight against domestic abuse
Pray God will raise up more people like Jeffreys
Elim Refugee Network
Why we must pray for our politicians
Foundational Truths - The Church
The power of memory
Our beliefs
Foundational Truths - The Saviour
How do Christians fit into caring for culture?
Convergence or conversion: Which are we looking for?
Novel idea helps church reach community
We must move together into a more mission-hearted walk
Church without walls
Elim's Historic Timeline
I think God's creating a family in the midst of this very busy city
Helping people with bereavement
Creatively share the love of Jesus in a post-pandemic reality
How we’re loving and serving our community
New Year's message from Chris Cartwright at the start of 2022
Finding connection in sharing the gospel
‘The heart of worship’
Are you half-hearted or wholehearted?
Putting children at the centre of community
Reaching nations: co-mission
Foundational Truths - The Holy Spirit
Adaptive Leadership
Planting a new Elim church in Wolverhampton
Mind your manners, says Wilberforce
Family-friendly church
Got questions?
Establishing a healthy rhythm for life
Growing a church in Mablethorpe
Making the most of every opportunity
Intergenerational discipleship
Uncovering the key elements of soul care
Team changing generation
Growing a church in Stratford-upon-Avon
Looking for a Christmas giveaway?
Growing churches is our priority
How we unlocked the chance to reach out in lockdown
Living strong in the Lord
Flexible leadership - Interview with Glyn Barrett
The Climate Change Challenge
Run-derful Transformation
Jesus, the friend of sinners
Letting government know we exist
It's time to dream
The way Jesus is using us now
Elim Leaders Summit 2022 speakers announced
Responding to climate change
Foundational Truths - The Bible
Serving God is a heart thing first
Four questions
Advance Promotional Assets
Be aware of those who have disconnected
Elim Pioneering Youth Ministry Summit
Giving thanks in 2021 for those who have served Elim
Why I want to help equip people
Learning how to ride the storms of life
Don’t waste time on wrong assumptions
The way of transformation with Danielle Strickland
What do you know about foundations of our faith?
Blessing, giving, offering...
Elim's digital conference points way to connect digitally
Tim Alford's new book invests in youth and children’s leaders
Manx Mission
We have to stop just preaching and start demonstrating.
Mission ready for big challenges
Introducing George Jeffreys
Today I'm living to reach the unreached
Watch Wondrous Online
The church redeeming land for God’s glory
Missionaries in lockdown
God sets an example of adoption
Introducing Mark Pugh, Elim's national leader
Will you join us on a decade of mission
Gather, pray and go - at the Limitless Festival 2021
Watch our summit evening celebrations on YouTube
Equipping mission-ready leaders for their Christian calling
The Elim summit will equip you to become more mission hearted
Leading youth and children's ministry into a bright future
You are invited
Be the change
Online prayer meeting builds unity for the future
Our history matters
2020 - the unexpected paradigm shift
An interview with Elim's historian
Got questions about life? Ask them at Alpha Online
An invitation to the Elim Leaders Summit Online
Phil Worthington came away with two questions.
We have a mandate to be God’s agents of change
Nurseries are a real lesson in reaching communities
12 months Elim Bewdley church will never forget
Really Good News
Elim churches join Elim's National Alpha Online
What does church look like in a pandemic?
Searching for informed perspectives on the coronavirus vaccine?
Regents Theological College welcomes 65 new students
I feel a sense of privilege and responsibility
2021 New Year Message from Chris Cartwright
Reference Form - Friend
Join us for our Christmas Carol Concert - featuring carols sung by various Elim churches
Unwrap Christmas with J.John and friends
Discover the good news of Jesus in our Advent Thoughts videos
Reaching new audiences with #ReallyGoodNews this Christmas
Watch our Children’s Christmas Special
Apprenticeship Funding Request
Reference Form - Local Church
How Mark Lyndon-Jones is making great connections
Love thy neighbour
There’s no limit for Limitless online
Discover the life of a chaplain
Mark McClurg speaks about his battle with Covid
It’s been a challenging, but absolutely amazing time
How can we respond to injustice?
How can you help support people's mental health and wellbeing?
Self-Declaration Form - Elim Ministry
Carriers of compassion, comfort and hope
Invest in your marriage
Leaders who shepherd
Female ministers
Large catchment churches
Church planting leaders
Prodigal Prayer
Regents College Consultation
30 and under
New regional leader for Scotland and North West England
Research: Discover what it takes to make disciples
Elim Ministers Pension Fund
Regents launches new theological institute
Free training event for youth and children's ministry teams with John Mark Comer and more
Chaplaincy Conference goes online on 9 September
Simo Frestadius appointed chair of theological association
Don't miss these sessions from RIVERcamp 2020
‘Great triumph’ protects our beliefs
How my life was changed thanks to car sharing
Digging deep to solve a youth church problem
How I changed focus
Learn to walk slowly
Mental health struggles are part of being human
Bobbie bows out after 50 years of mission
I was struggling
I had no desire to be in ministry at all
Join us for Wondrous on Elim's YouTube channel this weekend
The church should talk to young people more about sex!
Never get high on your own supply
9 dimensions of developing a giving conversation with your church
Limitless Festival 2020 is going ONLINE
National day of prayer on 24 June 2020
Everybody welcome to the future
What does it mean to be righteous?
How well does your church measure up?
How do you share good news to this 2020 generation?
How do you welcome everyone with online church?
Stationing Expression of Interest - Confidential
Join our Day of Prayer on Friday 24 April
An Easter message from Chris Cartwright
Join our Day of Prayer on Good Friday with live sessions on Facebook Live
A simple guide to going live online
Creating an online worship experience
ELS speakers information for financial gift
Elim's united call to advance in mission
How Amanda found new light after her darkest day
Why I answered the call back to my roots
Advancing together in a decade of fresh mission
Press and media enquiries
Media Centre
Engage Prayer online prayer events return in 2020
ADVANCE national leaders days announced
Elim's youth leaders and children's workers gather
Winning the lost - one smoothie at a time
How I went from being helped to helping others in need
Our relationship with God has gone to new depths
2020 New Year Message from Chris Cartwright
What were your top 10 reads from 2019?
Counting down your top 10 videos from 2019
Encountering Jesus outside of a church building
Lead me in the everlasting way!
Christ was born into a spiritually thirsty world
Why you need to learn to switch off
Understanding what servant leadership looks like
Parents coming to know Christ through Messy Church
How is Regents training leaders and transforming lives?
The unorthodox church that’s breaking ground with Saturday night services
Are you a tourist or a pilgrim?
Limitless Leaders is developing Elim's youth and children's ministry leaders
Over 70 new students commence studies at Regents
Could you be on the Limitless Festival team?
Discovering our role in releasing the Kingdom of God
New practical leadership resource launched
Don’t pray for more power... use what you already have
Elim Missions team’s epic effort raises over £6,000
Commissioning day starts fresh chapter
My battle with ME ended with a miracle
Seeing God on the move in Bridgend
Keep going, press on, don’t stop!
Why do we love a comeback story?
Leadership is about the next generation
Why churches should be the most generous places on earth
Sharing faith to a global audience with video
What does servant-hearted leadership look like?
How do you share the good news of God's love with your community?
I want to see this whole city saved for Jesus
My joy in helping younger leaders
Friends, mentors and fathers who built my faith
Why we must engage in social action
Going from strength to strength
Elim Leaders Summit featured in July's Direction
Prophetic word unlocked my struggle with illness and released me for mission
Interested in becoming a Chaplain?
Enjoy a summer of Elim festivals
Free Elim Leaders Summit Teachings
What are the keys to developing a leader?
Equipping children's workers to impact an emerging generation
Equipped to reach Millennials
40 days until the Elim Leaders Summit 2019
Modern Slavery Statement
How well prepared are you for the testing and trials ahead?
Vision 20/20 - Developing Leaders
Vision 20/20: Reaching Nations
Vision 20/20: Growing Churches
Elim Leaders Summit early booking discounts end soon
Vision 20/20 - Making Disciples
BOOK: Meet Generation Z
Renewal, Recommitment and Realignment
2019 New Year Message from Chris Cartwright
Time to seek the Lord at Elim's national day of prayer
5 things I’ve learnt about leadership
Conference to look at issues impacting humanity
Latest Stories
LIMITLESS launches new 2019 line up
Only the lonely
September's Direction - Only the lonely
Fierce faith explored in August's Direction
Iain Hesketh appointed as Elim’s new International Missions Director
Choose one of Elim's summer festivals
Elim's newly appointed executive director featured on Songs of Praise
July's Direction - Leaders Summit Special
There are discipleship lessons that we can all learn from Jesus
Five things that we can learn from the early Church
How our faith is about culture and not rules
They all gathered longing to know the one who had died for them!
3 steps to whole-life discipleship
Learning skills to invest in others
The small steps to maturity in Christ
Developing others keeps you growing
Chris Cartwright shares on One Lord, One Gospel, One Life!
Regents announce new faculty member
Sarah Whittleston appointed as leader of Elim's prayer ministry
Recommended Reading for 2018
Interested in becoming a Chaplain?
Book: Everyday supernatural
Summit live stream details announced
May's Direction - Reaching the nations!
Olivia Amartey appointed as Elim's new Executive Director
Book: The Axe and the Three
BOOK: Thirty Years That Changed the World
BOOK: Next - Pastoral Succession That Works
Gender Pay Gap Report
The Uprising - Gathering 2018
Introducing Elim's Ministerial Selection Board
Elim is raising up a new generation of leaders
Passionate about Elim children’s workers
The importance of the modern day Church inside March's edition of Direction
BOOK: H3 Leadership
Equip your children’s workers at ELS18
The local church is the hope of the world
Who is speaking at the Elim Leaders Summit 2018?
The importance of discipleship and why it matters
Respond to the call of Vision 20/20
Fresh mission and ministry for Elim in 2018
Celebrate your youth ministry on Limitless Sunday
In the Balance
93 new students join Regents Theological College
Shaping up to pioneer new youth ministries
What stops you from sharing your faith?
Elim Connect Centre featured on Countryfile
Jack McKee and Paul Thomas acknowledged in Birthday Honours
Summit helps Elim's Leaders to imagine the future of Elim
From Now One - Chris Cartwright shares the way ahead for Elim
Celebrating our Elim missionaries
Elim Ministry
For Such A Time As This - Gathering 2017
Jamie Price to lead Limitless Pioneers Gap Year
BOOK: Canoeing the Mountains
BOOK: The Catalyst Leader
BOOK: Against the Flow
Imagine how we might shape our future beyond 2017
BOOK: Simplify
BOOK: The Emotionally Healthy Leader
Join the Elim Missions Global Christmas 2016 Party
Mark Greenwood appointed as Elim's National Evangelist
Youth ministry fresh vision
EFGA Consolidated Accounts
Stuart Blount appointed as Elim's Director of Ministry
Southern Africa Drought Appeal
EPC Services Ltd
Dean of Students retires after 21 years of service
Church planting conference
Aged 18-25 with an interest in missions?
Summer Camps and Conferences 2016
New National Aspire Leader
Elim Leaders Summit 2016
Missions Sunday looks to the future, building on the past
Chris Cartwright Introduces Imagine - Shaping Elim's Future
Life Long Learning
Elim Leaders Summit free downloads
New Elim Sound Album released
Mission focused conference line up announced
Thy Kingdom Come is a call to prayer and action
Annual youth gathering moves to Manchester
Summer Surf Mission
Central and South America - First Elim Global Conference
Leaders Summit speakers announced
MPOWER your week
Elim Chaplains Conference 2016
Student mission to Calais
Future General Superintendent Elected
Are you interested in becoming a chaplain?
Rana Kundi share about a turning point in his life
Parents - Lets talk about sex
Refocussing is this weeks prayer focus
Serious4God launch new website
Renewal is this weeks prayer focus
Restoration is this week's prayer focus
New Year commences with a season of prayer
Elim leadership teams come together for 2016 summit
LIFTUP January in prayer
Regent's Theological College graduation 2015
Introducing Fiona Crow
Christmas Poem shares the gospel
Manila school celebrates 10th anniversary
New School of Worship
Elim relief to refugees
Archbishop of Canterbury's greeting to Elim
Discover the work of Elim in Scotland
Serious4God's 100 Gathering
Tracey's journey to Swaziland
Gathering 100 line up is announced
Is self development a discipline in your life?
Transformed life
Grand Union Canal Challenge
Elim equips chaplains at 2 day event
ELIM 100 album reviews
Join our national month of prayer
Regents students commissioned
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Friendship with God
A friend who never leaves, never forgets, and gave everything for you. Take a moment with Shirene Agbelusi to reflect on His love.
It’s darkest before the dawn
Even in life’s darkest moments, God is near. When hope feels distant, His plans are unfolding—bringing light, life, and a future.
Faith, truth, and tough questions
Are Christians deluded? Who are the “other sheep” Jesus spoke of? And should believers ever take up arms? These big questions challenge our faith—so what does the Bible say?
We have a choice when our seasons change
I was in a dark season of life serving my third term in prison when I first learned the Serenity Prayer, says Liam Husband. But it proved to be a valuable lesson...
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Future Events

Friday 4 April 2025 7:30pm – 10:30pm
The Missions Be Free Charity Ball is a special event hosted by Elim Missions & Elim Aspire. The event is to raise money for Elim Missions Be Free projects.
Saturday 5 April 2025 10:00am – 4:00pm
We passionately believe that, like the Roar of a lion, our voice, when lifted in prayer and praise, is far-reaching and atmosphere changing.

ROAR is more than a conference—it's a prophetic movement for women called to rise, declare God's promises, and transform their communities. Join us and discover the profound strength of your spiritual voice through powerful worship, inspired teaching, and life-changing encounters that will equip you to ROAR with purpose, passion, and holy confidence

The theme for ROAR 2025 is "Immeasurably More" which reminds us that we serve a God who specialises in exceeding expectations, working through us to accomplish things that surpass our own capabilities. It's an invitation to dream bigger, pray bolder, and trust deeper, knowing that God's power at work within us can achieve far beyond what we could ask or imagine.

To book your tickets online: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/roar-womens-conference-2025-immeasurably-more-registration-1095170637859

For more information: https://www.elim-coventry.org.uk/roar-conference-2025
Saturday 19 April 2025 11:00am – 12:00pm
Are you thinking of deepening your theology with a postgraduate degree in Applied Theology, or a PG Certificate in Applied Theology?  Come and join Dr Martin Clay, and other members of the Regents Theological College team, online to find out about everything on offer at Regents. Click here for all the details: Postgraduate Online Open Day.
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