How to communicate the Gospel to our culture

How do we communicate in the spaces we're in? Why is the Gospel story not always cutting through the noise? And how do we share the most persuasive and powerful story of all time without getting swept along with the cultural currents?

Watch this clip of Jo Frost, Director of communications and engagement at the Evangelical Alliance, speaking at the Elim Leaders Summit in May 2023.

In the video, Jo gives us three excellent action points:

  1. Reflect on the cultural narratives that shape your own thinking and worldview and explore how they might influence your understanding of the Gospel
  2. Identify the cracks in your own community or sphere of influence and think about the signs that people are longing for something more
  3. Engage in conversations with people about the Gospel and listen attentively to their perspectives with grace and sensitivity

Watch the full session on our Elim YouTube channel -

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