
Watch the main sessions from Elim Leaders Summit 2023

Over 1,400 church leaders met in Harrogate on 9-11 May 2023 for our annual summit and enjoyed teaching from Chris Cartwright, Gavin Calver, Boyd Ratnarajaand Danielle Strickland.

You can watch these five main sessions on our Elim YouTube channel at as they are available to view on-demand.


Calling to the harvest - Chris Cartwright

In times of challenge and crisis, the Holy Spirit is awakening the global church to a season of unparalleled opportunity for the advance of the gospel. We are being called back into the harvest field for this generation.

Chris was ordained in 1993 and has ministered for over twenty-five years. He began serving on the pastoral team at Kensington Temple in the late 1980s in a variety of ministry roles. From 1997 to 2010, Chris was the senior pastor of the City Temple in Cardiff. In 2010 he became the Regional Leader for Wales and the Southern Region before being appointed as the General Superintendent of Elim in May 2016.

Messengers of hope in times of challenge - Gavin Calver

How can we be distinct and hopeful amid so many obstacles in our cultural landscape?

Gavin Calver is the CEO of the Evangelical Alliance. He has a burning passion to see the church working together to share the Gospel throughout the UK. Formerly the leader of Youth for Christ and chair of Spring Harvest, he’s an ordained evangelist and regular public speaker, and has authored six books.

What do you see? - Boyd Ratnaraja

Clarity provides momentum, confidence, and direction. Clarity is a leader’s best friend. When a leader has clarity, everyone wins. What do you see? Join Boyd as we journey together in pursuit of clarity.

Boyd and Sharon are the national leaders of Elim New Zealand and the senior pastors of Elim International Church in Wellington. They have devoted their lives to building the local church, raising up leaders and helping people fall in love with Jesus.

Power- Danielle Strickland

God’s power is as different from as it is greater than any other power. How can we live the alternative vision of the good gospel in the present moment? We need power. Rooted in Acts 1 and Exodus 3.

From establishing justice departments and church plants to launching global anti-trafficking initiatives to creating new initiatives to mobilise people towards transformational spiritual life, Danielle trains, advocates, and inspires people to live differently through various initiatives and through her books, including her latest release ‘The other side of hope’.

Confirmation - Danielle Strickland

God’s power will always be a confrontation to the powers of this world. How do we fight against the principalities and power of this world using God’s power in a way that brings life? Rooted in Acts 10 and Acts 16.

Download all the teachings

As well as live streaming these main sessions, audio recordings from many of the Summit sessions are now available.

Listen to all the Elim Leaders Summit sessions by subscribing to the Elim Podcast on your favourite podcast app, which is freely available on many different platforms

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