Rachel Hickson sized

My success hasn’t come overnight

Just over a year ago Coventry Elim worship team member Tofunmi Adorna was working full-time as a social worker. Fast forward to today and she’s a Premier Gospel Award winner (Best Newcomer 2023) and MOBO Award nominee (Best Gospel Act)!


Tofunmi Adorna

At Coventry Elim, writes Shirene Agbelusi, we have had the joy of watching Tofunmi grow and gain increased confidence in God’s call on her life. In 2017 she served as our worship intern and Tofunmi shares that serving in church over many years has been a significant part of her journey.

“It wasn’t just about being a good singer, it was understanding how that fitted into the body of Christ,” she says. “It was the principle of being disciplined and diligent, serving week in, week out and the things I learned that got me to where I am today.”

Tofunmi, what a year! From my perspective my journey has felt slow, because my development has been years in the making.

I’ve gone from serving as a teenager, to taking on small opportunities and singing anywhere and everywhere for free, to now being in a place where people are recognising my gifting and extending invitations for things I could only have dreamed of being involved in.

On the surface it may look like I’ve had quick success, but it hasn’t come overnight. The platforms and heights I’m reaching now are built on years of worship behind the scenes.

Why did you leave your job and pursue music full-time? As I have grown in Christ, I have tried to make sure that where I am going is where God wants me to be and at the time it felt clear to me that it was time to begin a new chapter, with music being at the forefront. I spent a lot of time in prayer, and I also fasted and consulted trusted friends before making any moves. Although the transition felt risky, I knew it was the right time.

Now, seeing all the doors that have opened, I know without a doubt that God’s plans for my life are unfolding right before me. All I have to do is trust him.

Have there been challenges? I battle a lot with doubt, insecurity and fear. These are things that may never fully go away, but I deal with them by revisiting the words that God has spoken over me.

When I feel scared or incapable of the next step, I go back to the Bible by speaking, singing and praying the Word, and really letting it work in me to the point where I am confident and assured that God is with me.

I’m also blessed to be surrounded by supportive friends and family, who remind me of who I am called to be whenever I forget.

What inspires your songwriting? A mixture of my life, the way I view the world and the things I learn walking with the Holy Spirit.

A lot of my songs are prophetic words that have been spoken/written over me years ago – they are things that I say over myself.

Any encouragement for those reading? Anyone who has a dream or desire to do something should keep giving it back to God and keep trusting his Word. When God says something, it will come to pass, but you have to wait on him and believe it.

Tofunmi Adorna’s debut EP ‘All in Good Time’ is available on all streaming platforms. Shirene Agbelusi is an Aspire team member and Associate Pastor at Coventry Elim

This article first appeared in Direction Magazine. For further details, please click here.

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