Image of heart in Ukrainian colours

We must continue supporting Ukraine

February marked a grim milestone – the three-year anniversary of the war in Ukraine. Elim supports the work of relief charity Samaritan’s Purse, who continue their vital work in the war zone

Every week, pastor Daniel’s church provides food for 1,600 people. Every month, it provides water for 30,000 in its area.

This is just one example of the ongoing relief projects Samaritan’s Purse is supporting three years into the conflict in Ukraine.

Daniel’s relationship with the charity dates back to well before this crisis.

He had received an Operation Christmas Child shoebox as a child and his church, Good News Church in Marhanets, in southern Ukraine, had partnered with the organisation for many years since then.

This longstanding partnership meant that when Russia destroyed the Kakhovaka Dam in June 2023, Samaritan’s Purse called immediately to ask how they could help.

“I shared the need for clean drinking water and went to meet the team,” Daniel says. “Shortly afterwards, they came to Marhanets to drill a well, install two reverse osmosis water treatment systems and provide a van which until this day delivers clean drinking water to between 1,000 and 1,500 homes each day.”

Essential food items and hygiene kits were also supplied, with up to 1,000 people coming to the church each day to receive aid.

Today, with Marhanets located near the Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant, the town is a target for Russian shelling. The need for help remains and the provision of water and food is ongoing.

As the church works with Samaritan’s Purse to continue its relief efforts, Daniel says the impact goes far beyond simply meeting immediate physical needs.

“Our church is growing and many lives have been changed by the gospel,” he explains, adding that nine people had recently been baptised in one month.

“We have a lot of amazing stories. A year ago, for example, one lady came to church to take food for herself. She felt love in church, she came to church and now she’s accepted Jesus Christ.

“Today she volunteers, she preaches the gospel when we give food to people and she really enjoys giving a Bible to people who come to church just as she did a year ago.”

Daniel’s story shows why Elim’s continued support for Samaritan’s Purse’s work in Ukraine is no less vital now than when the conflict first broke out.

“Can you pray, please, for all Ukrainians, that peace may come to Ukraine and for perseverance for everyone,” asks Daniel. “And also, please pray for Good News Church in Marhanets as we help in the name of Jesus.”

How to pray for Ukraine

As we mark the three-year anniversary of the conflict in Ukraine, these prayer points can help you pray for people affected by or responding to it.

Please pray for:

Peace – for an end to the violence, for lasting peace and that those who have fled would be safe to return.

Protection – that Ukrainians living in or near conflict zones would be protected from violence, especially those who are vulnerable and unable to flee.

Provision – of food, safe drinking water and restoration of gas and electricity supplies so homes can be heated during the colder months.

Healing – from physical injuries, trauma and for comfort in grief. For the mental health of young people growing up amid uncertainty, crisis and conflict.

Refugees – for those who have fled or are fleeing their homes, and for host communities, that they will welcome and support refugees.

Ukrainian churches – that they would be a voice for peace and the hands of Jesus, with practical help and a message of hope to conflict-affected communities.

Relief organisations – for charities like Samaritan’s Purse bringing practical relief, for resources, wisdom and strength for those offering help.

World leaders – for those involved in diplomacy, strategy and negotiations, for wisdom, compassion and a desire for peace.


This article first appeared in Direction Magazine. For further details, please click here.

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