This generation empowering a rising generation to be authentic men

Cwmbran Leaders570

Rising Up A Generation

Engaging men of all ages, by exporing the potential to mentor a generation of radical disciples. The result? Men, resources and equipped, to impact the future.


Building A Spiritual Heritage

MPower is the process whereby one generation empowers the rising generations of sons, brothers and fathers in Elim to be authentic men in Christ, in life and in the Church.

MLJ  The Guys from RNJC 570

Wholeness for the future

Addressing the unique challenges of manhood and masculinity helping forge a plan and a purpose for future generations. MPower encourages the masculine journey into true wholeness for the future.

We have a choice when our seasons change
I was in a dark season of life serving my third term in prison when I first learned the Serenity Prayer, says Liam Husband. But it proved to be a valuable lesson...
Are you living authentically?
Mark Lyndon-Jones offers 10 Bible-based steps to help you become more grounded.
Get rid of the obstacles to living well for Jesus
$30 for a plastic bag to attend an American football event? No thanks, thought Gordon Allan. But he came to revisit that decision…
No More Stinking Thinking
Roy McEwen looks back at an MPower event that boldly declared an end to divorce within the church
The world is crying out for authentic masculinity
To be men in today’s society requires strength tempered with humility, argues Mark Lyndon-Jones
You’re being hunted!
We’re all being pursued, but who is going to find us, asks Gordon Allan