Coaching others as the Holy Spirit coaches you!

MPower team members Mark Lyndon-Jones and Roy McEwen discuss coaching, one of MPower’s core principles

Would you agree God is the blueprint for life; he is the manual because he is the Creator of all things, right? He knows what each of us can do by ourselves and what we can do through him.

Therefore, who better to be coached by than the Holy Spirit? And who better to enable us to coach others than the Holy Spirit? As certified coaches would tell you, the best coaching sessions are where it doesn’t feel like coaching. So let the Holy Spirit do his work for others through you coaching them.

If your work life is anything like mine, it’s a never-ending journey of solving problems, dealing with different processes and people-issues.

Many hate problems, I actually love them. Problems are significant opportunities for Holy Spirit-coaching. Remember, the Holy Spirit can solve problems of anyone’s making, to make a way where there is no way (Isaiah 43:19).

I’ve begun allowing the Holy Spirit to coach through me. When you coach through Holy Spirit revelation you receive and share ‘spiritual application’ for real life experiences. It’s awesome – you can coach anyone, anytime, irrespective of their role.

Here’s how to start: in every situation or interaction, even a passing ‘how are you?’, before you engage ask the Holy Spirit to put the right words in your mouth. Whether you know the answer or not, know what to do or not, put the Holy Spirit in the driving seat. This is one practical application of Isaiah 43:18. A team member who reports to me, said he had an ‘ethical’ issue with a decision I made. I had to contain my initial recoil ? and in that moment put the situation to the Holy Spirit. What’s interesting, I had an answer, but the way the Holy Spirit made me approach the situation produced results I would never have achieved had I ‘responded’. Not only did he embrace the same decision, he took ownership of the decision to communicate it with the wider team, and he did so with gusto.

While I heard what came out of his mouth, I didn’t know what was in his heart and the things he was struggling with. The Holy Spirit knew what my colleague was struggling with and used an impromptu coaching session to help him.

Let’s pray: “Lord, I submit myself to be used by you.”

This article first appeared in Direction Magazine. For further details, please click here.

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