Pawel & Monika Kuzniar

Sierra Leone (UK based)

We are Pawel and Monika Kuzniar, we have been married since 1997. Szymon is our lovely 13-year-old son.

Monika and I both felt the call to missions as individuals before we got married. From a young age, Monika had always wanted to go the nations and she trained as a nurse in order to work towards that goal. I always had a father’s heart for the broken-hearted.

Monika ministers through prophetic dancing and intercession and I have seen the Lord minister healing, deliverance and restoration to individuals, families and churches through my ministry.

In 2005, Monika began to sense that God wanted us to leave Poland just as Abraham left his homeland to a place that God would show him. At the same time, I felt the Lord say that I would be involved in Ellel Ministries, which was a confirmation for us that we should come to the UK.

Our Journey

Monika and I were born in the 60’s, during the rule of Communism in Poland. Our childhood was spent within the terror of the Communist dictatorship during which we experienced oppression, intimidation and lack of freedom. There was no freedom of thought or religion. In our inner being there was a yearning for freedom and for knowing truth and reality. In the mid-80’s, the young people of our nation started to fulfil the growing yearning for freedom and in 1989 the Iron Curtain finally came down. We believed that God answered our nation’s prayers.

After this time, the churches began to receive a supernatural outpouring because of a hunger for freedom, righteousness and a new life. God began to supernaturally supply missionaries to the nation and people started to grow in the true Christian faith.

Missions such as YWAM, Ellel and others came into Poland. We began to look outwards at this time and see the lack of freedom and brokenness in other nations and people. We began to see our own lack of freedom too and went through a 10-year period of healing and restoration.

In 2005, we went through a rigorous process during which God began to teach us how to be free ourselves at this time we came to live in UK. From 2011-2012 we spent a year in the mission field of Sierra Leone. We returned to London and have travelled on a yearly basis from 2014 for short missionary trips.

Our Vision

Sierra Leone: We are hoping to continue to be involved in the planting of healthy churches in Sierra Leone and the restoration of peoples’ lives. We see the Lord expanding our mission from Sierra Leone to other West African countries, such as Guinea Conakry, which is a predominantly Muslim nation and we see that the Lord is already opening doors in these areas. We aim to achieve the work through the training of pastors and leaders and church planters. Our next step is to establish a training base.

Another important aspect of our work is to build strong communities around the church through social development and farming.

Eastern Europe: It is our vision to be involved in the transformation of the nation after communism by planting churches and rebuilding unity in the church. We see that God is opening doors of opportunity in the Polish community here in the UK and in Poland, as well as to Lithuanians in Baltic countries.


Sierra Leone:
Three years ago we planted a church in Temne Town and we have recently begun a church in Mosavie, including a church building, which the villagers are building from their own resources.

  • We are building a clinic on a piece of land given to us by the community.
  • We have begun a multi–use building that includes a nursery and church worship space.
  • We train people in different industries to empower them, enable productivity and encourage social development.
  • We have a farming project that teaches people from villages to grow their own food. (e.g. rice swamps, coffee, pineapple etc.)
  • We are awaiting the use of the building to reinstate the work of a computer school.

Eastern Europe:

We are in the second year of a mission to train Polish people from different churches in a joint mission with River Church, which is an Elim Church in Canning Town.

We have open doors in Lithuania to start Elim churches and a training centre to train people to move in the healing and deliverance ministry of Jesus Christ. We have begun to work with the churches for unity and reconciliation and repentance regarding pogroms in WWII.


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