Robinson ministry update - February 2025
Ali Robinson
Expanding our Reach: Robinson Ministry update - February 2025
Hello to you all from Lancaster!
I pray you are all well and embracing the joy of God’s presence in your lives. That is something that God has definitely been teaching me about over the last couple of months. I have been loving Psalm 16:11 - “You will show me the way of life, granting me the joy of your presence and the pleasures of living with you forever.” What an amazing promise!
The 28th edition of the Ethnologue was successfully published on Friday last week. Wycliffe UK asked me to give a presentation to their staff on the Ethnologue that same week and it prompted me to take a quick look back at the history. Turns out the first edition was in 1951!
In that time it has grown from covering 46 languages to over 7000!
I (Ali) spent a week in Gateshead with my parents in early February. My dad, Philip, had a hip replacement operation which went well. It was a privilege to be able to provide a bit of care for them over that time. I also got to spend a morning making candles with my niece, Anna, which was a lot of fun!
Tim has been getting up to speed in his new role. Lots of places to learn about and lots of potential situations to understand and help prepare for. He is travelling this week to Europe for a community of practice meeting with staff like him from several organisations who are based in Europe. After that, he will be home for a bit less than a week and then off again for the gathering of those staff who are part of one of the service groups within Eurasia. These opportunities to build face-to-face relationships are invaluable as proven by the previous visits to the other groups in Tim’s role last year.
Dan is still waiting to hear from Newcastle University. It is not easy living with this uncertainty, please pray for peace for all of us and wisdom for decisions about housing for Dan for next year. Most of all I would love it if you could pray that Dan will continue to put his trust in the One who loves him.
We would be so grateful if you can take some time to pray for us. Please do also let us know how we can pray for you.
New edition of Ethnologue published on time despite a number of challenges
Ali’s Dad’s operation went well and he is recovering quickly
Peace and patience as we wait on decisions about Dan’s place at Uni
Safe travels for Tim and effective connections with others
God bless!
Tim & Ali & Dan Robinson.
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