Tim & Ali Robinson

Nigeria (UK based)


We are Tim and Ali Robinson, and we have a son called Dan. We are Elim missionaries working in partnership with Wycliffe UK, whose vision is to see a Bible translated into every language of the world. Why do we believe the is worth being involved in? Well, God loves everyone, and if you read up in Genesis 11:1-9 you can see that God actually saved the world from selfish madness and created all the languages. He is such a creative God who loves diversity. People need to know God’s message of love for them and they need to be able to read it in a language they can fully understand and speaks to their hearts. This is often referred to as the ‘mother tongue’. That is what we are involved in; we believe that Bibles in mother tongues are key to evangelism, church planting, discipleship and growth.

After 11 years in Nigeria, we returned to the UK in mid 2022 to support our son through university, but modern technology enables us to continue serving! With 7,388 known languages in the world and only 724 completed Bibles representing 5/9 of the 8 billion people there is plenty still to do. There are loads of scripture portions, even New Testaments out there, but also around 1,680 languages that have absolutely nothing yet.

Tim serves as part of SIL’s (one of Wycliffe’s implementing partners) International Language Services team, providing support for developing funding strategies and the implantation of new planning and management software. Tim's capacity in these areas will enable others to focus more on their own areas of service, generally with language communities who need their help.

Ali is looking to utilise her skills with language data to work with multiple partner organisations and encouraging all the various groups and individuals working on projects to keep submitting information and articles into our global information systems so strategic decisions can be made based on accurate information.

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