Estonia Brotherston Missions Update

BrotherstoniconOctober 2024



We arrived in Estonia on 1st August 2024 and it has been a whirlwind couple of months!

A HUGE thanks to everyone who has supported, encouraged, prayed and given towards this journey - we are so so grateful!
It was an amazing journey over the past 18 months of connecting with churches and individuals to make this happen - we have been overwhelmed by the kindness of the people of God.
My Mum also kindly joined us for the first two weeks of the adventure as we moved around AirBnB’s - thanks Mum, you’re a legend!



In the last couple of months:

We have moved into our APARTMENT
The girls have started at 2 different Estonian schools
We have been learning learning Estonian language (Eesti keelt)
Partnered with church (EKNK Toompea Kogudus)
Hosted many dinners as we get to know people
Joined the youth team at church
Joined the kids team at church
Craig has joined the leadership team at church
Walked a LOT of steps around Tallinn as we get to know our new city
Visited Elim missionaries Alan and Alice in Pärnu (about 150kms from us)
Abby led worship at the youth meeting in Estonian language (amazing!)



We are not sure we have EVER been as aware of God’s KINDNESS than in these last couple of months.
God has repeatedly LINED UP the right CONNECTIONS at the right time, and sent people to CARE for our CHILDREN, and has been very present to remind us of important truths in the right moments.
The journey into missions and life in another country is full of NEW CHALLENGES, but experiencing God’s kindness in this way has meant we have not felt too overwhelmed - WOW!


I thank my God every time I remember you. 4 In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy 5 because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now…
This New Testament principle of Gospel partnership is an amazing reminder that we serve a BIG GOD - who is at work all over the world.
We are so grateful to have a GOSPEL PARTNERSHIP with all of you - as we have the privilege to represent you in Estonia.
Philip Ryken from Wheaton College put it this way:
‘God is calling us to give to one another time, money, experience, intercession, expertise, ourselves, to other leaders, other churches, other ministries, in other parts of the world.
This is what it means to declare and display the Gospel together.’
THANK YOU for praying for our family, for Tallinn, for Estonia - and for your Great Commission investment in the nations.


  • Language learning - Estonian and Russian. (It makes a big difference to our effectiveness here.)
  • Toompea Church and EKNK (The Pentecostal network of churches).
  • Sianna, Aliza, Ariela and Tamara in school. (We are so proud of them doing school in a new language and culture.)
  • Aliza’s teacher Kristi who Abby had the privilege of sharing the Gospel with. God is at work in her life.
  • Our obedience as we follow the Holy Spirit’s leading in a new setting.


Again, a MASSIVE THANK YOU to all of you have supported us financially - we really appreciate it and feel so blessed.

One of the most helpful practical steps to every missionary I have ever met is to increase their REGULAR MONTHLY GIVING.
Moving forward we will be looking for some more people to contribute monthly - even £5 a month would make a MASSIVE difference to our ongoing ministry in Estonia, the Baltics and Europe at this time.

Making international mission possible
From school planting to gospel sharing to supporting those rescued from sex trafficking, Elim missionaries are making a huge difference around the world.
Peter Narkotey News from Malawi January 2025
News from Elim Malawi in Blantyre
Brotherston Estonia Update February 2025
News from the Brotherstons in Estonia
Osborn News from Estonia January 2025
News from Alan and Alice Osborn, Estonia
Jordan and Natasha News February 2025
We want to wish you (a very belated) Happy Christmas and Happy New Year from the Christian household!!