
With Mum and Mum, at our Leaving Party last month, that was put together by so many of our family and friends!

Jordan and Nitasha News

September 2024 Update

"but you shall open your hand to him and lend him sufficient for his need, whatever it may be." (Deuteronomy 15:8)

Dear Family…

How are we all doing?!

Well, what a mighty month it has been for us! Prayerfully yours has been great, full of Gods grace and an overflow of His goodness.

So, we live in Japan now!

God has been so good to us: from the weeks' worth of goodbyes from our loved ones (we have been truly overwhelmed and humbled by all of the love and support shown by so many), and His provision at the Airport, to the warmth we’ve already received here in Japan.

So, over the past month, we had arranged for the shipping company to pack up our belongings and proceed with the shipping process. They did such a great job! Jordan gave his final talk in Birmingham at Cannon Street Baptist Church. Shortly after, we’d spent a couple of weeks saying our Sayonara’s (goodbyes) to our loved ones. We had so much to pack into a couple of weeks so our amazing mentors kindly arranged a leaving party for us, which was just so incredibly moving. It’s safe to say, we’ve shed buckets of tears. And the tears didn’t stop as we were privileged to witness the holy union of two very good friends of ours, Jacob & Ruth. What an honour it was to be a part of their big day and get some final cuddles from some incredible friends we call our family.

So here we are, in Tokyo, with many thanks to Pastor Marcel of Japan Kingdom Church, who’d hired a van to pick us up (along with all our luggage) from the airport in the early hours of Thursday morning, with a gorgeous welcome hamper of goodies from the church. Since then, we’ve had the pleasure of spending time with Pastor Marcel, discussing ministry roles, strategies, gifting and so much more. It was a wonderful time spent connecting and learning how we can work together to advance the Kingdom.

We have taken some time to recover from Jet lag, however we’ve managed to get some of the practical tasks complete including expense reports, travel cards and SIM cards.

This past Sunday, we had the absolute pleasure of being welcomed into Japan Kingdom Church. The love shown, was tangible. We were well and truly humbled and grateful that it is here, that we get the pleasure to serve God. This was followed by an afternoon full of house hunting by way of visiting various estate agents in the area. We haven’t yet found the home that God has for us, but we are trusting and believing for it.

And this is where we are calling upon our prayer warriors, would you pray that:

  • We find the right home for us in good time (we have 20 days left in the short-stay accommodation) and that the Lord would have His hand over the process.
  • We become well integrated into the church and local community.
  • We make headway regarding our language learning.

Thank you, family, from the bottom of our hearts, thank you. Here’s to the exciting journey ahead!


Nitasha & Jordan Christian


Our last Sunday with Encounter Church family, final gathering with the Tribe, good times at Jake & Ruth's amazing wedding, the view from our current apartment floor balcony, Jordan speaking at Canon Street Memorial Baptist Church, the movers from John Mason Int working hard, the hamper sent to greet us from Japan Kingdom Church, our first Sunday at JKC, saying bye to the UK infront of our Korean Air flight.

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