
Lynette Orange: March 2024 Newsletter

Matthew 24:44
You also must be ready all the time, for the Son of Man will come when least expected.

Be prepared! This has been a recurring theme for the past few months for me and especially so over this last week. Let me explain what happened...

Temperatures soared to well over 40 degrees celsius and I can testify as I took my thermometer out to the balcony and at 5:21pm it recorded 47.1. Let's all agree that is incredibly hot! In the middle of the night, with no warning, suddenly all water in the city went off and not a single drop was coming through the tap. Panic ensued as many awoke the next day to realise the day would be hot and no water. Complaints came flooding in about why there was no warning and what was the city going to do about it as no-one was prepared or had water tanks filled. Thankfully, due to the wisdom and foresight of the person who designed my house, I had a very large emergency water tank on my roof that by turning on a few taps I had water flowing through my pipes and into my house that would probably last me at least 3 days. The thing was having the tank was not enough, if I didn't continue to make sure there was always water in them!

It got me thinking... Last month, at City Gates Church, I was asked to speak on the parable of the talents, or, in some versions, the three servants . It prompted me and gave me an opportunity to delve deeper and study closely what Jesus was really teaching. The parable of the talents comes at the end of several parables all teaching the same message - a message that teaches us to be prepared for the Masters return and to be ready to give an account of what we have done with what He has asked us to do in the meantime.

I learned through my real life experience and my study into Jesus' teaching that it is not as simple as being prepared, having the necessary equipment, but that it is also important to be obedient and diligent in doing what Jesus has asked us to do while we await His return. My NLT study bible said, "To maintain active, energetic, single-minded obedience to the Lord."

Like many in my city it is very easy to get complacent, settled and comfortable in the waiting and get caught out. I am equally encouraged and challenged by these stories and reminded that one day Jesus will return, He will ask me what I have been doing to help advance the kingdom and tell others about Him, and how active, energetic and obedient I have been to Him. There is always more we can be doing! Are you prepared? Jesus is coming soon.


It is very hot out here!


Families together - My Pinoy Family and my UK Family.

South Korea 40th

koreaMany of you were so kind and generous during my 40th birthday in July and helped towards my trip to South Korea. It truly was an absolutely amazing experience and with my brilliant friend as my tour guide and holiday planner. We certainly made the most of our 7 days. South Korea was such a beautiful country and I am so blessed to have been gifted this opportunity. Thank you to all who made it possible!


Christmas in PH!

holidayIt was great to have Mum and Dad come stay with me for almost 2 months! We packed a lot into the time with a short trip to Vietnam for a well needed break after all the Christmas activities and busyness of the academy. It was great to have them in my world for a while and do life with my friends and I. They also got to meet Chester!

Coron Feb 2024

coronIn February, I had an opportunity to head down to Coron and spend some time with our teachers and lead some training. It was a blessing to see how well everything is operating at the school but also how they are reaching out to their community with lots of new initiatives.

Bambang Feb 2024

blessedFebruary was a very busy month of travel as at the end of the month I headed up to Bambang for the dedication of the renovated church building. I also hosted Alan, Gail and David from Carlisle Elim who stayed at my house. It was a privilege to witness the opening of the church building of which Rugby Elim have been a part of. Exciting times ahead and the best is yet to come!

Permit Approved!

schoolAs if February wasn't busy enough we also had our yearly inspection from the Department of Education in order to approve our permit. Each year I have to gather together the paperwork and apply for our permit and it is always a relief when the inspectors come and we pass with flying colours! We are now open for enrolment for School Year 2024-2025 and have begun our selection process. We are excited for another opportunity to make an impact on the lives of another generation.

Missions Sunday June 23

missions-sundayYou are all invited to Rugby Elim on Sunday 23rd June where I have the opportunity to share about all that I have been up to in the Philippines since we were last together. It would be great, especially on this Missions Sunday to see you. If you are planning to travel from a distance, please do get in touch and let me know as I would like to make sure I get to see you and save you some seats!

Prayer and Thanksgiving

  • Thankful for the renewal of our permit and another school year!
  • Thankful for a great team to work with at across the 3 schools, City Gates Academy, Antipolo and Coron, and Living Epistle Academy, Bambang.
  • Pray for upcoming plans for Graduation
  • Pray for continued strengthening of relationships with our parents and children and sharing of the gospel.
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We want to wish you (a very belated) Happy Christmas and Happy New Year from the Christian household!!