
At The New Year's’ 2024 Celebration at Tokyo Metropolitan Office

Jordan and Nitasha News

March 2024 Update

"Whoever brings blessing will be enriched, and one who waters will himself be watered." - Proverbs 11:25 ESV

Dear Friends,

We hope you’re having a great 2024 so far - we can’t believe that it’s Nitasha’s birthday month already! We are grateful to be here spending time with and seeing family. There have been stories of good news here, and we are glad to be present to witness it all unfold.

Both of us are still actively looking for full-time, temporary work. This will be really helpful in providing finances for day to day living whilst we are in the UK. So, please keep praying that we find jobs locally to employ Nitasha’s mentoring or admin skills, and Jordan mentoring or pastoral skills.

This month, we have a few Sunday appointments speaking in churches and some logistics meetings with Japan Kingdom Church and the Elim Missions department. Please be praying for regular supporters as fruit from the church visits, and good relational fruit from those meetings.

This was a really short update this month. You have our sincere appreciation for taking this road with us and helping us along. If you have any questions or would like to invite us to your church, we encourage you ask your pastor to contact us at and

We love you all,

Rev. Jordan & Nitasha Christian


Meeting up with friends, and being prayed for at Excel Church Wolv.

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