
Who were you ‘bourne’ to be?

As men of God, we need to reject our old ways of living and find our true identity in Christ, writes MPower Director Mark-Lyndon Jones


Mark Lyndon-Jones

The Bourne Identity is a suspense-filled action movie about an amnesiac man (played by Matt Damon) who is rescued from the Mediterranean Sea with two bullets in his back. The man has no memory of his past or identity and spends the majority of the film attempting to uncover the truth about who he is while avoiding many dangers.

As Christian men, we often find ourselves on an intense journey seeking to fight the spiritual battles that come our way and applying our faith. In Christ we find that we have access to a full array of spiritual gifts and prayer to aid us.

Like Bourne, we find that there are times of spiritual amnesia where, faced with the vicissitudes of life, we find ourselves struggling to hold on to our true identity in Christ. At such times we need to explore and apply the Word of God and the truth it declares over us, as fathers, sons and brothers in Christ – we need to run the race not only with patience and perseverance, but with faith and in the strength of God as our Father.

There are a few Bible verses that can support this comparison between The Bourne Identity and our Christian identity in Christ. Jesus said in John 15:5: “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.”

This verse reminds us that our true identity and purpose come from being connected to Christ. By remaining in him we will be fruitful and fulfil God’s calling and purpose for our lives.

Just as Jason Bourne’s true identity was not a product of his own decision-making, but rather a result of his past experiences and training, we too are called by God to fulfil a specific role in his plan and purpose for our lives. Paul said in Ephesians 2:10: “For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.”

God created us with a unique purpose and identity in Christ. Just as Jason Bourne had an innate set of skills and training that allowed him to survive and thrive on his journey, we are equipped with spiritual gifts and talents that enable us to serve God effectively as the masterpiece (God’s handiwork) he designed us to be.

In 2 Corinthians 5:17, Paul reminds us that “If anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!” This verse speaks to the transformative power of Christ and how he sets us free from our old identities rooted in sin, guilt and shame.

Bourne eventually overcame his amnesia and regained his true identity by rejecting his old ways of living. As believing men, we are constantly being renewed and transformed into the likeness of Christ, shedding our old ways of thinking in order to embrace a new identity as men of God for the benefit of those around us and for the glory of God.

This article first appeared in Direction, Elim’s monthly magazine.

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Don't miss out - secure your place among the brothers now. Men’s ministry practitioners will lead you through our time together, enhancing your spiritual and leadership development.

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