

A conference for Evangelists, church planters and those doing the work of evangelism

Saturday 20 September 2025 10am-5pm

Location: Elim Pentecostal Church, The Butts, Coventry, CV1 3GR

Theme: LISTEN    Hosts: Mark Greenwood, Sarah Whittleston

Do you have a heart for sharing the good news with those around you?

Do you think you might be an evangelist?

Are you involved in church planting?

Are you a Pastor and want some encouragement around evangelism?

The Elim Evangelism conference is just what you need.

Evangelism is not just about talking; it's also about listening. This year's exciting conference focuses on taking time to listen, encouraging us to share our faith more effectively.

Listen to a better story than the world tells, to where we believe our movement is headed in evangelism, and to the voice of God as we share our faith.


LISTEN to a better narrative
Dr Rachel Jordan-Wolf

Rachel is the Director of Hope Together and one of the creators of the Jesus research. She will deliver the latest research encouraging us with the good news that people really are open to Jesus in a way that we haven’t seen for some time. Rachel is at the forefront of equipping and resourcing churches and Christians to greater effectiveness. She will encourage us to LISTEN to what is really happening and not what media tells us is happening.

LISTEN to the movement
Mark Pugh

Elim General Superintendent loves evangelists and is passionate about encouraging and releasing this important ministry in our movement.

We will be able to LISTEN to where God is taking our movement and how those people who are passionate about evangelism have a vital role to play.

Tania Harris

Tania lives in Australia and has a respected global ministry. She is a pastor, speaker, author, practical theologian, and the founding director of God Conversations -a global ministry that equips people to recognise and respond to God’s voice.

With a diverse history as church planter, pastor and lecturer, Tania ministers across the globe to all traditions and age-groups and is a popular voice on radio and TV.

Worship leader
Noel Robinson

Noel Robinson is an international worship leader, music pastor, songwriter and producer whose mandate is to see the body of Christ rise up in worship, intercession and unity in this generation. He is also an evangelist and revivalist and will lead us in worship throughout the day.



Conference Schedule

Arrival, registration and coffee

Welcome and opening worship with Noel Robinson

Session 1: Dr Rachel Jordan Wolfe
LISTEN to a better story 

Coffee break and connecting

Session 2: Mark Pugh
LISTEN to the movement

Lunch and connecting

Worship with Noel Robinson 

Session 3: Tania Harris
LISTEN to God 

Coffee and connecting

Worship, ministry and prayer for
people who don’t know Jesus
Noel Robinson and Sarah Whittleston

Conference ends

There is ample parking available at the Ramada Hotel (CV1 3GG) for £1. It’s a ‘park and pay after ’system.

You can pay at the reception with card or cash before you leave. The hotel is right next door to the church.

This year we are very exited to let you know that the cost of the conference includes lunch and so you don’t have to worry about finding food which means there is more time to connect with people.

Coffee and tea will be served in the breaks and is part of the cost of the ticket


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