
Jordan and Nitasha News

January 2023 Update

"Come, follow Me." Jesus Said, "and I will make you fishers of men." - Mark 1:17

Dear Friends,

A lot has happened in January! And we mean, a lot!

Thank you all so much for praying for us and sending your financial gifts through to Elim Missions. You’ll be happy to know that we are getting closer to our fundraising goal, and are now at 45% of what we need! You’ll also be happy to know that our meeting with the Elim International Missions Director was a good one, and we now have a leaving date for Japan ??????: FRIDAY 30th JUNE 2023!!! This means we will have to apply for the Certificate of Eligibility first, so please pray that all goes smoothly, in good time and through the right people.

If you read our last Newsletter you would know that January was the month where we would take on board a number of opportunities:

  • Jordan started itinerant work at Encounter Selly Oak, helping youth on a Sunday.
  • Jordan started itinerant work at Encounter Weoley Castle, helping youth on a Wednesday.
  • We met with a number of other church pastors who might be willing to financially support the mission.
  • Jordan was interviewed and preached at Canon Street Baptist Memorial Church - You can watch the full service here:

We want to thank all of the church pastors and congregation we’ve met with in January for the opportunity to share our vision and work so far! A Special Mention for Canon Street Baptist for being such a warm church and giving us such a homecoming! Please pray for Canon Street as they grow more as a missional church.

Coming up in February, we thank God that we have the opportunity to present our vision through preaching, interviews and conversations at 7 Elim Ireland churches, and at the Limitless ONE youth event. We will be flying to Ireland on Saturday to start the tour on Sunday, where Jordan will be preaching at Ballyfermot Community Church, Dublin. Over the course of the tour, we’ll be hosted by churches and families. It certainly looks like it will be a great opportunity but we also may be tired at the end of it. Please pray for Jesus to speak to us and through us as, that we clearly and effectively communicate our mission, and that God meets our financial targets through this tour.

Lastly, for those who aren’t aware, a big part of our mission strategy is to “use hair design and music production as creative mission tools in order to become strong Christian influences within both secular and sacred spaces.” As a Bridal Hair Designer, Nitasha already has an established work, reach and influence in the UK, which we hope to translate over in Japan. Jordan however, has only just begun professional work as a Music Engineer and Producer.

We know that God is already using creative missions in Japan to reach others with the Gospel (read more here: and here: ) and we feel called to join in with what He is already doing, in this way. Since June 2022, Jordan has added a practical and creative trade to his already ministerial skillset, serving local Christian artists and producing for them. As Jordan up-skills in the areas of music production, and promotes his music and services, we look forward to seeing more godly creativity for the sake of building the church, and establishing a means of sustainable fundraising for the mission once in Japan. Please pray for God to speak through his creative offerings as he launches his music library online, and for more opportunities to work with other music creatives.

Every month, we will be adding a snippet of a prayer guide to help you pray for Japan - not just our mission. Below is the first excerpt, and it includes information about the culture and current spiritual climate of Japan. We encourage you to read and join us in prayer for a country so needing of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Prayer Guide: Prayer For Spiritual Breakthrough

Missionaries who have served long-term in Japan often emphasise the necessity of prayer over any one strategy or ministry philosophy. There has long been a conviction that committed prayer is needed for a significant breakthrough of the gospel in Japan. Believers in Japan long for spiritual breakthrough that will impact the culture, society, and church. Spiritual breakthrough requires follow-up by churches and ministries.

We ask for God’s strength and provision of all that will be needed for the harvest to come. Praise God that he is calling people all over the world to pray for spiritual breakthrough in Japan. Pray that God would prepare churches and Christians in Japan to respond to a breakthrough of people coming to faith.

This was an excerpt taken from Beneath The Surface: 30 Ways To Pray For Japan. It was Produced in collaboration with over 35 missionaries and Japanese Christian leaders, from 17 organisations.


Jordan Preaching at CSBMC, Youth Session at Encounter Selly Oak, Catching Up with Friends from Encounter Church, Visit to Excel Church, Jordan at EP Launch

We are so glad to still be meeting up with so many of you before we leave. As we now have a leaving date, we will do our best to connect with you all, whilst preparing practically for the move. As always, reach out whenever you can because we’d love to hear from you!

Thank you again for walking this journey with us!

Love and Mega Blessings from,

Rev. Jordan & Nitasha Christian

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We want to wish you (a very belated) Happy Christmas and Happy New Year from the Christian household!!