5 reasons not to do Alpha

Are there really 5 reasons not to do Alpha? If so, how can you overcome them? Watch Marie Aitken, a Senior Relationship Manager for Alpha UK, help Mark Greenwood, Elim's National Evangelist, overcome 5 reasons not to do Alpha.

Lets do Alpha Together

Having removed some of the common reasons not to do Alpha, you and your church can make plans now to join with Elim churches across the nations to run Alpha Together from Wednesday 20 September to Wednesday 6 December, or whenever dates best work for your church.

We want as many Elim churches as possible to run Alpha locally. You can host Alpha in your church, in homes or even online, utilising the free Alpha resources and videos. We'll encourage you along with way, connecting you with Alpha, letting you run your event in the best way that reaches your community at a time that best suits you.

Can you imagine every Elim church uniting nationally behind the gospel? How exciting and significant would that be? Imagine us all hosting Alpha together at the same time using the same resources! That's even more exciting.

Alpha exists to support your church in its mission to share the good news of Jesus. So we invite you to run Alpha from your church in September as part of Elim's strategic evangelism partnership with Alpha.

Also, to assist smaller churches, we are currently planning a way for smaller churches to join other churches for an Elim Online Alpha.

How to get involved

This an Elim-wide Alpha and we would love for you to join us by taking these 3 simple steps.

1 Register your course with Alpha and get all the helpful free resources at Alpha UK, including team training, action plans, promotional assets, talks and guides.

2 Visit our Elim partnerships page where there is more info about Elim and Alpha, along other strategic partner organisations to help you and your church advance in evangelism and mission.

3 Keep informed of our plans for Alpha and other strategic evangelism partnerships by signing up to our email list.

Why partner with Alpha?

As Elim partners with other organisations, discover how God can use you and your church to make disciples who in turn make disciples.

In this video, Chris Cartwright and Gary Gibbs discuss with Mark Greenwood why Elim is encouraging our churches and leaders to maximise their reach into their local community with the good news of Jesus using Alpha.

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Additional Reading >

Future Events

Saturday 21 September 2024 10:00am – 5:00pm

A conference for evangelists, church planters and those doing the work of evangelism.

Life City Church, Westbury Street, Wolverhampton WV1 1JD
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