
A common wrestle for Christians

IainIain Hesketh shares the final two principles he uses to help people discern what God might be asking them

Discerning the call of God is a common wrestle for many Christians. Last month I shared the first two of four points I use to help people on this journey, and now I’ll share the third and fourth.

3. Ask others

This is crucial if we want to develop a healthy self-awareness. We need to be honest with God and with trusted others to develop an understanding of our personality, gifting and, most importantly, our character. If we don’t observe how our words and actions impact others – both negatively and positively – we can carry on in self-delusion about what we think Jesus may or may not be asking of us.

Not everyone will be asked by Jesus to leave the familiar settings of home to go to an unfamiliar place and learn a new language and culture – but some are! So, as you invite others into the process of discerning what the Lord is asking of you, are you willing to listen to what they say, or will you only listen to what you want to hear? Are you prepared to ask questions more than to make statements?

Rather than simply saying, “God has called me to be a missionary (or pastor),” how about asking, “I sense the Lord leading me into disciple-making in another nation. What areas of my character do you see which might be a hindrance to me faithfully serving Jesus in this way? What areas in my own discipleship do you see that I need to grow in before I step out?”

This is not about perfection but a demonstration of humility to learn and grow. I think there is a reason that God places more emphasis on character than charisma. When we go to the nations, we are ambassadors of the kingdom of God, and we need to serve in the manner of Jesus (Mark 10:45; Phil 2:1-11).

4. Don’t wait to get going!

I have known so many people talk about doing things for the Lord, but never actually do anything about it because they don’t feel ready, or the time isn’t right. There will never be a perfect set of conditions, so don’t wait to have a title, position or pay cheque before you get going! If you sense a call to be a missionary don’t wait until you’re on the plane before you start acting like a missionary. If to be a missionary is to make disciples, how are you doing that before you go? If being a missionary is about bearing witness to the resurrection of Jesus, how are you doing that where you are now? If being a missionary is to serve with humility and help people move from unbelief to belief through asking good questions, how are you doing that right now?

The journey to discerning the call to serve Jesus as a missionary starts way before you start preparing to go; it starts the moment you commit to follow Jesus. It is not a question of if you are sent; we are a sent people because God is a sending God. You and I are called to participate in his work wherever we are but sometimes he sends us to do this somewhere else.

If you are sensing a call to be involved in God’s work in another nation talk to your pastor and trusted friends, then get in touch with Elim Missions as part of that discernment process.

This article first appeared in the June 2023 edition of Direction Magazine. For further details, please click here.

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