
Putting the God in podcast!

With news of God’s work throughout the nations, a new podcast from the Elim Missions team is encouraging churches to develop a greater missional mindset, writes Jack Skett

A new podcast is connecting UK churches with the work of missions around the world.

Around 18 months ago I started working on the Elim Missions team. My brief was quite simple: to tell stories. This was what attracted me to the role in the first place, using my skills in social media developed in the local church and through freelance work to support the work of Elim Missions.

The prospect of connecting with our missionaries and hearing about what God is doing in the nations – not simply through the missionaries themselves but in and through the people in the communities they are working in – was exciting for me.

One of the things that was immediately on my heart was to produce a podcast as a way of telling these stories. To be able to sit down for half an hour at a time and interview missionaries about their call to mission and what God has done as they have responded to that call has been a real privilege. I’ve heard stories of church planting into ex-pat communities, former Soviet nations coming together to pray for reconciliation, experiences of training for the mission field, the challenges of translating Scripture into languages with no written alphabet, creating holistic systems of support and empowerment for children who have been orphaned to have a future, and many more.

Our heart with the Elim Missions Podcast is to tell the stories of what God is doing in the nations, and to encourage the UK church to develop a greater missional mindset. Does your church have a link with an overseas missionary? If not, perhaps listening to the podcast will inspire you to begin a relationship with someone serving internationally.

Is your church reaching out to your local community with a missionary heart? We hope that our podcast will encourage you in what God is doing in your area as we work towards Elim’s priorities of making disciples, growing churches, developing leaders and reaching nations.

There is so much that God is doing in the nations as he is calling, equipping and deploying gospel workers into unreached communities and people groups. We need to hear those stories, particularly those which are showing that our missionaries are not heroes or saviours but servants and partners working alongside our brothers and sisters in the nations to see the gospel preached and lives transformed.

The Elim Missions Podcast launched back in June and is running for an initial twelve episodes for season one, with a second season due to be produced later this year. It’s available on all the major podcast platforms, as well as on the Elim website alongside the other Elim podcasts.

• Jack Skett is Communication and Content Creator with Elim Missions.

This article first appeared in Direction Magazine. For further details, please click here.

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