King’s Kids Indonesia March 2023 Update

Hi and welcome to our latest wee update I was waiting till after Christmas to write and all of a sudden it’s mid-March! So talking of Christmas we had a great time and the kids loved every minute of the party, good food, and most importantly for them, the presents! We had a worship service together thanking God for all his goodness and the wonderful people who He has placed in our lives being a huge support and blessing to our ministry.


On the 6th of January, we welcomed a DTS team of 10 from Norway. We hosted the team for almost 2 months taking them around different villages and cities doing all sorts of ministry and it was a real blessing to the locals as they were taught, prayed over, encouraged and blessed by the team. Novi and I were very busy being drivers, translators, organizers and guides but they were an amazing encouragement and blessing to us, and all our kids just loved them, needless to say, it helped the level of English being spoken in our home too. We had a very busy two Months with the team, they did English sessions, crafts, games, dramas and songs with our kids, truly investing into them. We travelled to remote villages high up in the mountains and shared testimonies, words and songs with them, visiting the sick and poor and praying for people in their homes. We did practical work too, making shelves, mass tidying up projects, painting kitchens and doing what we could to make life just a little bit easier for them. They taught in schools, seminaries, kindergartens, children’s homes and churches making a real impression wherever they went. It was a privilege for Novi and I to be with them and help facilitate it all. We are expecting another team just next month so keeping us on our toes!

The older couple on the team left some money from their niece for the ‘poor kids’ so I bought snacks to fill 50 party bags and we went through our stuff and donated a lot of teddy bears, toys, clothes and shoes to the cause, I then took a group of my kids into a poor area in our town near where I spent my first 2 yrs in Indonesia, and we blessed 50 kids with the snacks and teddies, it was lovely to see my kids being a blessing to other kids and it was really good for them to get the experience of ministering in a small simple way to those less fortunate than themselves. It made my kids appreciate more what they have when they saw the living conditions and tiny houses these kids lived in. It was a valuable lesson for all.


On another note, at the end of this month, we will be starting our next DTS (Discipleship Training School) we currently have about 8 people signed up and they will be arriving in the next week, we are really excited about this new school and all that God is going to do in and through these young peoples lives. There is a lot to do before they arrive though. We have had some disturbing news that the house where we have the single mums is urgently needing some renovations, the roof is unsafe in several areas, so it made the house hunting all the more urgent. We need a big house with many rooms and bathrooms so it’s not an easy job finding one that also fits a rather small budget. But God has shown up for us big time through a lovely godly couple who have offered their house for a very reasonable rate! It has been empty for 5 years so needs a good clean and a bit of work to add some bedrooms and toilets to accommodate more people, but we are marvelling at how God provided just when we needed it and exceeded our expectations.

Prayer points and needs

The DTS is crucial to helping people get their lives on track with God please pray for real transformation and restoration in their lives. We need people who are willing to help support the students through this important stage. The school fee is about 250 pounds for the lecture phase and that is a lot for them to raise on their own, we are hoping for a few people who would like to invest in these students' lives and help them in a practical way. The staff are also trusting God and His followers to help with running costs for the DTS and for their own personal needs as none as yet have a personal supporter or donors for themselves or their young families. Please get in touch with me if you feel that is something you would like to help with.

Let me leave with you a testimony from Joshua, I spoke of him in previous newsletters, he is one of our kids who has been with us since he was just 3 weeks old, he’s finished school, spent a few years working then went to do his DTS in Central Java, he felt the Lord was leading him to do a 2nd level school of worship and God provided for him in amazing ways through people he had never met. Here is his story…

“My name is Yosua from Malang. I want to share about the School that I took in the last 6 months, after I finished the DTS in Salatiga. During the DTS, I felt that God was calling me to join a 2nd level school, which is a school of worship. I also feel that God is calling me to worship, to worship the true God by using the talents that God has given me, and I also want to know more about worship and what true worship is. In this school, I learned that real worship is not only in the building, singing, playing music, but it turns out that worship is about the attitude of the heart, what I do, being sensitive to the Holy Spirit and what is contrary to the Spirit of God, and I learn a lot about Who is the God that I have worshiped so far, and about the Character of a Worshiper. God showed many things during the theory period on this school. God's Provision for My Tuition. There I can see God is a provider and Faithful Source for me. Long story short after 3 months of Theory my friends, myself and staff prayed for an outreach location for 2 months, so my team and I went to 3 places on the island of Bali, namely Loloan (Negara), Singaraja, Payangan (Klungkung & Kintamani). At each of these places we did Evangelism, prayer walks, spiritual mapping and worship on the hills. I learned a lot about how to get through to the Balinese (Hindu) people, to introduce who Jesus is to them. We use the Contextual Method for example How we tell about Jesus through the Tridatu Bracelet (red, black, white), I learn how to see them as God sees them, and God's heart for the lost. And when I was evangelizing, I could see that from one person hearing and believing in Jesus didn't stop there, but multiplied to their families as well. While my team and I were carrying out outreach Praise the Lord there were many Balinese who wanted to accept Jesus into their hearts and accept Jesus as their saviour and 5 Balinese wanted to obey Lukad (Balinese) means baptized. And I see that the work of God's hands is never half done, even though some of them also refuse to accept Jesus and be baptized. I am grateful that I can see God's work in my life and in my team, because I have never done this before, and there God put his heart in my heart especially for Bali. There are also many challenges that I feel afraid, not brave, embarrassed but that doesn't stop God from working for the Balinese. Every place I pass has a different Season and a different way. From all this I can see God is Faithful, Not Giving Up, Redemption especially for their culture, Love. During outreach over 20 people heard a story about Jesus, 8 People Heard and believed 5 of these people who believe and want to obey to be baptized. Everything About God, God's Heart for the Balinese, the lost. And I am called to the Balinese people, especially the young people who are there.”

How exciting is that? One of our kids now has a real heart for the lost souls of Bali and is going to serve them in missions! We are so so proud and rejoice with heaven over the new believers and the work going on there. Joshua is helping us out for a couple of months before heading back to join the as staff at our Bali base, please remember him in your prayers.

We also would ask for your prayers for us as leaders of the children’s home, the single mum’s home and the DTS school starting. The more we have going on the more we need your continued support. We are planning as a family to be home in Scotland for a few weeks in the summer and would love to try and catch up with as many of you as possible. Please contact me on email or whatsapp (+62 821 4255 2728) we would love to come and share at your church or house groups or youth events if possible, please let me know if that is something you would be interested in.

In Closing let me take a moment to thank you all for reading this and for your love, prayers and financial support, it is such a vital role you play in our ministry and I want to thank you for that. If you would like to get involved more by visiting or supporting please get in touch with me for details. May it all be for God’s Glory.

Bless you and thank you. Love Sheryl, Novi and all our staff and kids.

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We want to wish you (a very belated) Happy Christmas and Happy New Year from the Christian household!!