mapSophie in Cambodia

Newsletter March 2023

It's getting hot hot hot


It has been a busy start to this new year. We are now well and truly in the hot season in Cambodia. At the minute, we are currently experiencing 35°C and higher every day. Energy levels for myself and the staff at Elim are definitely less and we are finding that a quick nap at lunchtime is much needed to regain energy. I have also become fond of sugar cane juice and iced coffee with sweet milk to boost my energy levels mid-afternoon.

Since January, there have been lots of visitors here, including my parents. It was amazing to have my Mum and Dad back in Cambodia. They were happy to see my new home and they both got a little ride on my moto with me. They are both so kind and were such a blessing to our Khmer family while they were here. I loved sharing the time we had together in this special place.

We also just had a team of ladies from Aspire UK join us. They helped to lead a women’s conference for our ladies at church. This was really special for our Cambodian ladies. Everyone enjoyed worship, games, teaching, food and fellowship and the ladies had some time off from their everyday duties as mums and wives.


We have had a new girl join us in Befree this past month. We are thankful and excited for her as she begins this journey. She is very clever and has previously studied English. To help build her confidence and get her to share more with the other girls, we have asked her to help with translation in the English classes. It has been so lovely to see her smile and grow in confidence as she interacts more. Please keep praying for this valuable ministry. Later this year, Befree will celebrate its 10th anniversary. It’s amazing to look back at all that God has done and the precious women who have been impacted by this ministry. We are excited for all that is ahead in the next 10 years.

Each week I am continuing to lead bible study groups with our staff in church. These times together are encouraging and helpful for both myself and the staff. Recently, we have been studying the life of Joseph and looking closely at forgiveness. The stories that have been shared have encouraged us all and I am so grateful I get to be part of walking alongside these ladies daily here in Cambodia.


Since the new year, I have been really busy travelling with different ministries in church. I love travelling with the church planting team and getting to meet with partners across Cambodia. Recently, we had to travel 10 hours in the church van to a place in the very North East of Cambodia. It was a purposeful trip and by the end of another 10 hour journey coming back, I was glad to get outside of the van and get stretching my legs. We have also been spending more time in S’ang. This is the place of the first church plant from the city church and it is also where Pastor Sarak’s home is. It has been so special joining them for church and holding kids clubs for the eager children who want to come and play games, sing songs and hear bible stories.


Each week we take time to travel out to where our new church will be built. We have been connecting with families there and God has recently opened the way for us to meet with a family who is in a lot of need. This family are living in very poor conditions. We have been able to help them practically by cleaning the outside of their home. This is so that building work can take place that will help to house chickens and ducks. This will help to provide a source of income and food for this family, which in time, will help to alleviate some of the poverty which they are in. There are many other practical needs still to be met. We are so thankful for the opportunity to demonstrate the amazing love of Jesus in this community and especially with this family.

Prayer Points

  • Please pray for me as I will be leading training in 2 weeks time for our Early Learning Centre staff. The training will involve different learning areas to develop our staff team and encourage them as they continue to provide early education for the children at the centre.
  • I am going to be back in the UK in May this year. I will attend the Elim Missionary conference in Malvern. This will give me the opportunity to meet with other Elim Missionaries, many who I have never met before. I will also be sharing in supporting churches in Northern Ireland. If you would you like to come along and hear about what God is doing in Cambodia, please message me and I can share speaking dates with you.
  • Beginning on April 14th, Khmer New Year celebrations will begin. This is the biggest Cambodian holiday and many people will travel back to their home provinces to spend time with their family. Please pray for safety for our team during this time.
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We want to wish you (a very belated) Happy Christmas and Happy New Year from the Christian household!!