mapSophie in Cambodia

Newsletter January 2023


Soursday Chnam Thmey! Happy New Year!!


For Christmas and New Year in Cambodia, I was surrounded by great friends and people that were so kind to me. We were busy for most of December with lots of activities going on in the church.

On Christmas day we had our Christmas service in the community. We rented a volleyball court that is close to the church to give us more space to host this service. It was encouraging to have people come who are not normally at our Sunday services. Some of our children from the preschool class at the Early learning centre came with their families. The children sang a few songs for us all. Our youth helped to retell the nativity story, Pastor Chamnap preached and we sang worship songs together. This amazing time together was finished off with a lovely Khmer Chicken curry for Christmas lunch.

During the Christmas week, we also went to visit the first Elim church plant in S'ang village. This is Pastor Sarak's home and it is always fun to go and catch up with the friendly and welcoming people there. We enjoyed dancing together, eating food and hearing God's word as we celebrated Christmas with these people who have been serving God faithfully over the years.


Be Free Graduation

On the same day that we had our staff Christmas party, we also celebrated our newest graduate in BeFree. This precious girl has been able to return home to her family and has set up a small drinks cart business selling coffee and cold drinks. We were able to help her travel back home and meet with her Mum and Dad to talk about the next year ahead and how we can still be a support to the family.

As one girl finished Befree, very soon after another lady joined the programme. This past week 'D' has been settling in Befree and was able to meet our church family last Sunday. We are so glad that she has joined the Be Free family.


Village Outreach

Since October Pastor Sarak, Piset and myself have been travelling each week out to the new church land. We have been spending time praying here and connecting with local families. We have been able to share with one family in particular about who we are and what we are doing. This family received food packages that were distributed a few weeks ago. This helped to build a connection with them. They have a small moto washing business outside of their home and over the past few weeks, Pastor Sarak has been able to help wash motos with the family while we are at this village. Another staff member from our church has recently joined us and has been giving free haircuts to people in the community



What a joy it is for me to be able to spend my time here reading God's word with ladies in our church and community. God has been speaking and challenging us all in our bible studies. We have been talking about big topics all revolving around our need for Jesus and his forgiveness. The most amazing thing has been hearing our ladies share that they know it is because of Jesus that they can have a real living relationship with God.


Prayer Points

  • Next week there will be an Elim church planting conference held in the city. There will be 8 pastors travelling to receive the final session of church planting training. This training began 3 years ago and these pastors have been studying, making disciples and planting churches during this time. They are all committed and passionate about seeing the vision of 'One village, one church' come alive in Cambodia.
  • Pray for our new Befree girl that she would settle well into the programme and that she would come to know Jesus.
  • Pray for the work in our new village and for the family who we have been connecting with.
  • Please pray for the different study groups that I am leading. That each person who takes part, myself included, would gain a greater love and joy in God's word.
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We want to wish you (a very belated) Happy Christmas and Happy New Year from the Christian household!!