
Tales from the Macedonian Mission Field - January/February 2022 Update

Scott Jackson

If you're anything like me then sometimes you will want to reach your goal as quickly as possible. But when we reflect on that, that isn't really always the best thing. It can lead to us missing out on a whole range of things the Lord wants to do in and through us on the journey. It will usually be unsustainable and possibly leading to burnout as well. It's better rather that we have our aim, what the Lord has called us to, and take those steady step by step movements towards it taking into account who the Lord has brought alongside us and remembering to enjoy the journey. On the other hand, if we fail to take steps forward then our goal isn't really a goal but a mere dream. I encourage you today wherever you are, whatever you're doing, to step back and reflect and ask yourself, are you making those step-by-step movements towards the goal? Are you ensuring that you are not racing ahead of or trailing behind where the Lord wants you to be at this point?

Language Lessons

My language lessons are continuing afoot. Each week I have 4 hours of Macedonian language class alongside homework and trying to grow in my conversation using the language. It's safe to say it feels slow, but I am definitely picking up and understanding more and more with the grammatical rules. I thank God for the patience of people and help off them in growing in my understanding. When I look back since the beginning of my time here, even though it feels slow in the moment over the whole course of time I think I'm doing well.

Alongside Macedonian, I have also started having a 1 hour a week Albanian language lesson. Because of the sizeable Albanian population in Macedonia, I believe that understanding at least some of the basics will help me in my conversations with them and in their openness towards me. Whilst at first I was unsure, thinking that I would get Albanian and Macedonian mixed up, after having some lessons I've learnt that the languages are very different and so the potential to mix up is small.


Over this last 2 months, the Lord has introduced me to an amazing group of people from different churches and even neighbouring cities. We have started meeting up together and sharing life every Saturday afternoon, and I have been able to bring some of the people I am discipling into this. We have had some fantastic times of prayer and worship together in Skopje City Park. No doubt it won't always look the same, and possibly will be meeting in different locations, but we have the beginnings of a wonderful inter-church community.

Not restricted to the Saturday, a few of us from our two neighbouring churches here in Skopje have started meeting up on Sunday afternoons for food after our respective church services. It is leading to a good development of relationships, sharing testimonies and the Lord has opened the door for me to share some of what I learnt from back home about what it means to grow a missional heart within the discipleship context.

The Discovery Bible Study is going well on Saturday evenings. We are moving through the book of Luke at the moment chapter by chapter. We have been spending some time as well talking about identity, looking at a whole range of Scriptures of who we are in Christ and how we get to live as a result of that. It's so wonderful to see the growth that is taking place within people as they take a hold of the promises of God and run with it. From that place beginning to process how we can bless those around us with the Gospel, both from a family, friend, work colleague perspective and also looking at the wider community as well.

My relationship with Church leaders continues to grow with one of them inviting me to join him on an online 24/7 Prayer conference. It was a wonderful time of fellowship together as we processed what the Lord was saying to us both through it.


At the time of me writing this, my visa will soon be expiring, so my renewal application will be going in very shortly. The documents are all being prepared at the moment and God-willing in April I will be granted another year extension to my visa.


  • For continued growth in language learning.
  • For the new inter-church community that is developing
  • For the growth that is taking place in people's relationship with the Lord as we process Scripture together.
  • For the continued development of relationship with church leaders.

Prayer Requests

  • For growth in team for the work in Shtip. As Scripture says, to pray to the Lord of the harvest for more workers.
  • For continued growth of relationship and community and for my conversations with church leaders as we look at what an inter-church community could look like.
  • For continued growing in depth of understanding amongst all involved as we go through the DBS together.
  • For a successful visa extension.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read my newsletter. Please let me know how you are getting on as well; I love to hear.

Much love and shalom in Christ,

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We want to wish you (a very belated) Happy Christmas and Happy New Year from the Christian household!!