Prayer 3

Pray for the nations

Plans for a week of prayer at the height of Covid-19 have developed into a weekly online meeting, writes Roy Johnston.

Seven days turned into 21 days, which turned into 40 days and now it’s once a week.

Earlier this year the Missions department and the Prayer department of the Movement joined together and collaborated in a season of prayer for the tragic situation that arose with the serious spread of Coronavirus in India, and the lack of oxygen and medication. 

It was planned to hold seven days of prayer with two online sessions each day, at 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. for 30 minutes each, such was the tragedy that arose through the pandemic.

Daily, many people across the Movement joined to intercede.

As the week of prayer came to an end it was decided to continue for another 21 days, to join in solidarity with some of the Global Partners who had called their congregations and networks together for 21 days of prayer and fasting.

Throughout this period there were many partners from India who joined the on-line prayer times to share the plight of what they were facing and vast needs they were encountering.

A global community of intercessors was being forged in the heat of the tragedy of Covid-19 and many committed to the routine of praying for brothers and sisters in the vast nation of India.

A natural progression occurred as this prayer gathering morphed in to a 40-day season of prayer.

It was noted that 40 was a good, round, biblical number, so the community of intercessors continued and gelled even closer together.

During this time further global tragedies hit the headlines.

The ongoing spread of Covid-19 across the world in Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, Peru, Nepal and the Philippines collided with the sudden volcanic eruption in Goma DRC, floods in East Africa, conflict and violence in Nigeria, Burkina Faso, Mozambique, and other parts of the world.

Prayer for the nations and the Elim missionaries serving God in 27 different countries, proclaiming the good news of the gospel, making disciples and establishing gospel communities, became a vital part of the intercession.

The online prayer and intercession community has now moved into a new rhythm of weekly meetings every Tuesday morning at 7:00 a.m. and evening at 7:00 p.m. for half an hour each.

An extra focus of ‘Praying for the Nations’ at this time is reaching nations where Elim does not yet have a presence.

Praying that God will open doors into new countries, where there will be a connection with people of peace who will be influencers providing opportunities for the proclamation of the gospel.

There's also a focus on praying for the establishment of communities that will make disciples, plant churches, develop leaders and reach nations.

You can join this online community of people who love Jesus and pray for the nations. Simply contact the Missions office (phone 0345 302 6750 or email to receive the link for the Zoom meetings.

This article first appeared in the November 2021 issue of Direction, Elim’s monthly magazine. Subscribe now to get Direction delivered directly to your home.

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