Fenner Newsletter - June 2020

1The good news is that hope is alive! The Bible reveals that Jesus is hope for the hopeless. He’s our strength and confidence, our Rock in times of trouble. Although He never pretended life would be easy, He gave us this great promise: “Trusting Me, you will be unshakable and assured, deeply at peace....” (John 16:33 MSG)

2South Africa has been in Lockdown since the 26 th March. The challenges of performing our normal ministry has been challenging – but yet we have sensed an incredible and tangible presence of God amongst the confusions and frustrations we have sensed in our Missionary calling.

3aAt the outbreak of the Corona virus, we felt boxed in and isolated, but the Spirit prompted and challenged us to think out of our box, to seek God for a new way forward, It was through this that we discovered a new creativity and ministry routine we were so desperately yearning. We have come to know the possibilities of God in an impossible chaos, frustration and restriction.

It is in the cry out to God that we found hope – “that nothing is Impossible with God”- and in this hope and promise that we found functionality and opportunities to reach a desperate society with the Gospel of Christ.

Mozambique Leadership Program

With international borders closed, it has not been possible to visit Mozambique to continue teaching the Emmanuel Leadership. We have been able to set up Zoom Conferences and facilitate live online Leadership sessions with our church family in different areas of Mozambique every Saturday morning for the last five weeks. On different Saturdays, we have had 20 to 40 Mozambican leaders being strengthened.


This has been a logistic experience as we have had English being translated into Shangaan by CP Khoza who lives about 2 hours drive away from us and then Scriptures being read in Mozambique in Portuguese. We have now been able to buy them a new router as they were using a dongle, thus losing connection, and we also sent them our projector and screen. We are thankful for the hunger for Gods Word of those attending and that technological issues were minimal.

Reaching Out

10-11The queues to enter the supermarket are often long and time consuming. This can be frustrating, but this has been alleviated as the opportunity of evangelism in these situations has opened doors to give personal testimony and present the Gospel.

Robin has been preparing, and filming online devotionals to reach those in the churches we work with and the lonely in the communities. The reach of these devotionals has been astounding, with contact been made from all over the World. Turning our home into a filming studio was a challenge.

Elim Global Covid 19 Appeal

ELIM Missions UK launched a Global Appeal and we received an amount from this fund to meet food need in our communities we work with. I won't mention where these food parcels were distributed, but the stories that came from recipients made me tearful.


First Food Distribution

Forty Two families were reached with a two week supply of food and soap.

One little boy said "I am happy about the food, but I'm happier about the soap because I couldn't wash my hands to keep me safe from the virus as I don’t have soap"

Second Food Distribution


Another 42 families were reached.

Today an orphan family were reached. The oldest child looks after the younger siblings. A lady who has had a stroke and cared for by her son. A family of children cared for by their Grandmother. And many other individuals......

Third Food Distribution

Another 49 families received a two week supply of food.

Thank you to the Elim Relief Appeal.



Thank you for those who have prayed for us, and for those who have reached out to us with video calls, emails etc. it has been a great joy to fellowship online. Thank you for your thoughtfulness.



We were sad that due to covid the Elim Leadership Summit was cancelled, we were very blessed to attend the Online version sitting in our lounge.

Iain Hesketh and Paul Hudson arranged an Elim Global Africa week of prayer followed by a zoom mini conference. What a privilege to pray for each other and to meet so many leaders on the zoom call.


Prayer Needs

  • As we have not been able to visit the UK on furlough this year, it is difficult not to see our children, grandchildren and extended family in the UK
  • For increased creativity, direction and wisdom as we navigate through the Corona virus challenges.
  • For our protection, as we both have underlying health conditions
  • For guidance as we seek God for what His future is for us

Robin and Janet Fenner

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We want to wish you (a very belated) Happy Christmas and Happy New Year from the Christian household!!