Elim Cambodia

Newsletter May 2020

Greetings from Nita

Hello from Cambodia!

may1I want to thank each of you for your continued love and support for Elim Cambodia. We continue to pray for each of you and for our world for healing and protection from this current virus.

Please remember us as we reach out to the ELC parents and remind the children that we love and miss them. Please pray for us as we support our local community and be the hands and feet of Jesus at this time.

God bless you all, Love Nita

“Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff comfort and console me”. Psalm 23 v 4

Phnom Penh City Church

may2At the beginning of this month the staff at Elim Cambodia began working half days. For each ministry area this looks different but it means that each staff member is at work Monday—Friday for the morning time. Many of the staff have said that they are so happy to be back at work again. We are right in the middle of hot season so everyone is happy to be back at work and not at home all the time in the heat. We are not totally back to normal life here yet, but we are thankful that we have been able to resume some of our everyday activities.

We have continued to meet in small groups in homes to do Sunday Church. For each of us this has been a blessing and we have enjoyed different people sharing their thoughts each week. We have also been doing daily devotional videos online. Please see Elim Cambodia Facebook page to watch these.

Be Free Cambodia and The Early Learning Centre

Be Free

may3The girls in Be Free continue to work on Christmas products to be ready for later on this year. One of our girls celebrated her birthday last week and she was very emotional when presented with her cake. Another girl is soon to finish the programme and Sokim is looking for possible work opportunities for her. There is also space for more girls to join the programme but because of the situation of COVID-19 it is a difficult time to get any new girls to start. Please pray for this situation

Early Learning Centre

may4The ELC staff have been busy preparing the classrooms for whenever the children can return. They have been creat- ing new crafts for wall displays. They have also created videos for each age group—babies, toddlers and preschool. These were then sent to the parents to help with the children's home learning. More home- work packs were also created and collected by the parents.

Church Planting News

may5This month the church planting team went to Kep to give out basic need packages. Money was donated towards this and the team were able to buy food and some household products for families in need during this time in Kep. Whenever they are able to the team plan to visit the different church planting teams around Cam- bodia and plan to recruit new partners to plant more churches.

may6Please continue to pray for the Pastors and church leaders that we are connected with across Cambodia and especially these needy families that have been greatly impacted by the virus.

English Classes

We have been able to begin English classes again with the ELC staff. The staff have been very enthusiastic to learn and said they have missed being in the classroom.

English lessons have also resumed for the Be Free girls.

Until the government announces that schools can reopen again we are not able to resume our community English classes. We are still able to see some of the students in the local community and often many of them are seen riding their motos/bicycles in the local area.

Please keep praying for these young people that when the restrictions are lifted that they will rejoin the English classes and that we can continue to build relationships with them. We know and pray that God will be near to them even when we can’t meet together.

“The Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore.” Psalm 121.8

Prayer Points

  • Pray for the Pastors and elders of Elim Cambodia as they support the church family at this time.
  • As many of you know we have a Guesthouse that is used for visiting teams who come to Cambodia. The money that is generated through this goes towards the church planting work of Elim Cambodia. If you have any inquiries about the Guesthouse please contact us.
  • As it has been such a difficult time for many people and with travel restrictions there have been few visitors at the guesthouse this year. We ask that you would join us in prayer for this situation, for our staff that work in the Guest house and for future opportunities for visitors to be able to come again.


Read the full newsletter here


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We want to wish you (a very belated) Happy Christmas and Happy New Year from the Christian household!!