
Mapping out the future for new missionaries

Young people are travelling to the nations with Elim Missions with a fresh passion to spread the gospel, writes Danielle Face.

Elim Missions is passionate about training disciple-makers and sharing the gospel throughout the world. As part of that, we love facilitating opportunities for young adults and students to serve abroad.


This year, we took two teams of students from Regents Theological College to India and Spain, them the opportunity to experience the practical application of their studies.

“Visiting the church in Bangalore, India, was like stepping into the book of Acts, in a 21st century context,” says student Sam Moore. “It was a truly amazing time!”

Elim Missions also loves to disciple young adults through the Missionary Apprentice Programme (MAP), where 16 to 25-year-olds can explore whether God is calling them into overseas missions.

The MAP students have monthly community hubs with online training, access to missionary mentors, resources and training weekends. Part of their course also involves going on a group mission trip before then undertaking an individual mission trip to an area that they are passionate about.

In October 2018, six of the MAP students travelled to Macedonia for a week, to serve alongside our missionaries Ian and Katie Moore in Skopje, before travelling to the Elim church in Stip to minister with Angel and Daniela Pavlov.

The students experienced street outreach, worshipping, giving out food parcels and evangelism; they even saw two women come to know Jesus as their Saviour.

MAP3For many of the students it was their first time sharing publicly – for some it was their first time even leaving the UK. They had the opportunity to serve Turkish tea and share the gospel to the Albanian community in Skopje and did a fantastic job at ministering in several different church services in Stip. They also led house groups and a youth service.

To see the impact that an international mission has had on their life is wonderful, and we are excited to see the impact that they will also have on the future of Elim Missions.

If you would like to apply or know more about the Missionary Apprenticeship Programme or the work of Elim Missions, please contact missions@elim.org.uk or visit elimmissions.co.uk/map


“Macedonia was an incredible experience! The trip challenged me in so many ways, equipping me and giving me the confidence to expand my missions work in my everyday life and helping me to grow in my faith.” Nicole Johnston, 17

“My first mission was an amazing experience, being able to pray for people in public areas and praying over towns and cities. I was nervous but excited. The trip confirmed that God has put it on my heart to reach the disadvantaged, those who do not have the gospel and who are unloved.” Amy Dunn, 19

MAP5“I found this week very eye-opening. Having such an intentional trip, where every activity is surrounded by the idea of sharing faith, is a great experience of how easy it is to actually be ‘the light of the world’ in your own community. My nerves were easily diminished by being surrounded by an encouraging team. Coming back from this trip, I have now been able to walk back into my home town with new perspective, ready to look for these needs. I believe God has placed me where I am. So whilst I am excited about my next MAP trip, in the meantime I am excited about how God can use me at home to make a difference from what I’ve learnt from my time away.” Carmella Lewis, 19

“What an incredible week. It has confirmed that mission is what I want to do with my life. I want to serve Jesus and his people. It really has been an amazing week. I have met so many amazing people and made so many new friends and memories that I will never forget. It has opened my eyes to appreciate what I have and taught me that I shouldn’t take it for granted. Everything I have learned this week will stay with me forever and I will never forget the amazing time I had on my first mission.” Joanne Sowden, 24

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