Explore together is a resource that can be used in many different settings. As a church we have used it as part of our all-age services, but it could be used in smaller kids’ groups, mixed aged groups and even in families.
At the heart of Explore Together is a desire to see people hear from God and learn more of his love for them through different zones. Each zone is carefully designed to cater for particular learning needs and preferences.
There are three books with 12 sessions each and although these books are still available in some places (Amazon and Eden) all the resources are on the Scripture Union website and are free to access. The material covers come key Bible events and topics such as worry, Easter, Christmas and making disciples. Each session clearly sets out how to open the session and ideas for sharing the bible passage and praying creatively. Then ideas are given for each zone (colour, listening, chat, word, busy and quiet).
Those attending are encouraged to explore as many of the zones as they wish. In my experience some people have chosen their zone and stuck to it for the duration whilst others have moved around. The material then gives your ideas for coming back together.
As a church we found this really helped people to engage in the same idea but in different ways. Parents felt that their children had choice and older members of our congregation felt valued in an all age setting which is traditional seen as something for the kids.
Reviewed by Debbie Schofield