Together we are taking NEW GROUND

We are thankful for the hundreds of people who have joined together for our national Elim Prayer events held throughout the year. These have been significant moments to unite and engage Elim church congregations and leaders together in prayer.

Continuing with our focus on Community Prayer, which we commenced with our Get Up, Get Ready, Get Going prayer week in March, our September prayer week theme is NEW GROUND.

When we read Joshua 1, we are reminded that God always leads us into the New Ground of Promise. Being guided by God, rooted in His Word (the sword of the Spirit and Truth) and guided by Him every step of the way, He will bring fresh fire, fresh strength and fresh zeal.

So together, let’s be released from fear and discouragement, with the promise of God’s power and presence in us wherever He leads us to ‘Go!’.

Let’s remind ourselves of the words from Joshua 1:6-9

Be strong and courageous, because you will lead these people to inherit the land I swore to their ancestors to give them.

Be strong and very courageous. Be careful to obey all the law my servant Moses gave you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, that you may be successful wherever you go.

Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.


Save the dates and inform your church

We invite you to join everyone across our Elim churches on 19-21 September 2023 to focus on a week of purposeful community prayer.

Tuesday 19 - Thursday 21 September

  • Morning Prayer - streamed on the Elim Facebook page at 7.30am ( and the Elim YouTube channel ( This is an opportunity to hear stories of Community Prayer and for us to pray as a wider Elim community for our local communities.
  • Lunchtime Community Prayer - Pair up and join others in your community or workplace to pray for your local area.

Thursday 21 September 7.30pm-9.30pm

  • Engage Prayer - Live worship and prayer streamed on the Elim YouTube channel (

    Join with Elim churches from across the nations for this live event as we pray for God to move in power across our communities. Streamed live from Christian Life Centre, Birmingham, with special guests leading you in an evening of prayer, worship and seeking Jesus.

New Ground Resources

New-Ground-Bible Prayer-Plan-1

Elim Prayer has produced a 3-day Bible and prayer plan designed to help you draw close to God in prayer, study of scripture, and flow in greater depths of anointed worship. You can download it to encourage creativity in your prayer life and be tuned to the promptings of the Holy Spirit.

  Download 3-Day Bible & Prayer Guide

  Download Promotional Graphic

A prayer for churches
Join Annie Skett in this powerful prayer for the church. Across nations, generations, and backgrounds, we are one in Christ. Pray for unity, holiness, and boldness as we seek God's will.
A prayer for community by Shae Clarke
Join Shae Clarke in this short prayer and ask God to move where He has placed you.
Saying yes to Jesus: A prayer by Ruth Trbojevic
A prayer of surrender, trust, and obedience—letting go of every hindrance and choosing to follow Him wholeheartedly.
A prayer for teams
Stuart Blount’s prayer honours the dedication of those serving in Elim churches, and how their commitment builds bonds and extends love beyond the church community.
My life as a prayer intercessor
June Freudenberg has dedicated herself to intercession, covering churches, events, and communities in prayer. Her journey shows the power of persistent prayer.
A prayer of wisdom
Michelle Nunn's prayer thanks God for His wisdom, greater than anything the world offers. He gives generously to those who seek it, bringing joy, understanding, and life.
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