
Remember, it’s a journey!

GaryGibbsIt’s rare that someone experiences an ‘instant hit’ of salvation the first time they hear the gospel, says Gary Gibbs

One of my friends became a confirmed Jesus follower last week. As far as I can tell he is now saved, born again, has a relationship with God, regenerated and adopted into God’s family.

He wouldn’t use any of this terminology because he doesn’t know it. What he does know is that Jesus is a living reality in his experience. Twelve years ago, when we first met, he told me that he was a committed atheist. It’s been quite an adventure!

The word ‘journey’ is often overused, but it would be a great description of his pilgrimage. He may not know the exact moment when he stepped over from ‘death to life’ (Ephesians 2:1-5), but God has made himself known to my friend!

Today I’m reflecting on 44 years in evangelistic ministry. It’s been such a joy to so often be involved at the time of someone’s spiritual birth! But in those moments, I’m aware that someone else has done the sowing and the heavy lifting (John 4:38).

So here is my concern: we live in an ‘instant society’ where we can get what we want almost immediately - coffee, cake, car, cruise, credit. Salvation? I’ve noticed on social media that there are reports of sometimes hundreds of people being ‘saved’ on the streets of the UK during a week of outreach in a particular town or city. Often, it’s been a bunch of enthusiastic, evangelistically inclined young believers receiving some teaching and then taking the gospel out into a shopping area. One such event recorded something like 338 ‘salvations’ over a few days.

I was intrigued and so followed up the story nearly two months later. Hardly any of the responders were now in a meaningful connection with church or with a Christian. In fact, often the details given on the decision card for follow-up turned out to be false.

What does this tell us? Should we stop taking the Good News onto the streets? Would it be best to stop taking opportunities to share faith with random strangers? Not at all!


My plea would be that we recognise where someone is on their journey towards Christ and work out whether this is a sowing or reaping opportunity. To use Mark Greenwood’s terms, if we can help someone to move from a ‘Definite No’ to a ‘Healthy Maybe’ or a ‘Little Yes’, then we are authentically involved in God’s mission. And praise God, there will be those times when we are with someone and they are ready to say a ‘Big Yes’.

There is always a context and a culture in which we share the gospel. Peter spoke to biblically literate Jews at Pentecost (Acts 2). Paul spoke to pagan Greeks in Athens (Acts 17). Notice the differing approaches and the differing results!

In many parts of Africa for instance, there is an openness to God, some understanding of the gospel and an acknowledgement of the spiritual realm. No wonder nearly 50 per cent of sub-Saharan Africa is Christian!

The West is somewhat different at the moment. In this culture, it’s rare that someone experiences an ‘instant hit’ of salvation the very first time they hear the gospel. Oh, that it were so! In most cases, we need to become ‘a friend of sinners’, loving lost people and, because we love them, we will want them to discover Jesus to be all they ever wanted or needed. Even if it takes twelve years!

This article first appeared in the May 2023 edition of Direction Magazine. For further details, please click here.

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Saturday 21 September 2024 10:00am – 5:00pm

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