
Get Up, Get Ready, Get Going!

There’s something special about being in and amongst your community as you pray. It allows you to be intentionally aware of your surroundings and ask Holy Spirit to show you how and what to pray, joining in with what He’s already doing amongst the people and places around you, says Elim Prayer's Sarah Whittleston.

We invite you to join with everyone across our Elim churches in March 2023 and focus on a week of purposeful community prayer. To get up, get ready and get going!

To Get Up – be awake and aware, engage our senses, look around at the community we are part of.

To Get Ready – listen to what Holy Spirit is saying, align our lives and prayers with His purpose.

To Get Going – to literally get going out and about in our communities, then sharing with others to get a sense of what God is saying and doing as we pray together to see the Kingdom advance.

Sarah explains more in this short video explaining the impact of community prayer.


It's time to advance

In January, Chris Cartwright (Elim’s national leader) shared a New Year message based on three words that were stirring in his Spirit for the Elim movement: Awaken, Align, Advance.

Our prayer focus for ‘Get up, Get Ready and Get Going’ follows on from this using Isaiah 60:1-3 as a key scripture.

  1. Get Up - Arise, Shine, Light, Risen.
  2. Get Ready - Behold, State Around Us, Lord arising on us, Glory on us.
  3. Get Going - Gentiles (all of us), Come to Light (outreach), People of influence coming to light, Brightness of Jesus seen in us.

Want to know more about Get Up, Get Ready, Get Going, when it takes place, and how can you get involved? Sarah answers these and other essential questions.

When will we Get Up, Get Ready, Get Going?

These three days of united prayer across the Elim movement occur from Tuesday 14 - Thursday 16 March.

And our desire is that this week of community prayer will be a spark that leads you to grow in consistency and confidence as you pray in and for your community in the coming months.

Are there any united prayer events?

Yes. We will start the day with prayer together online on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday morning at 7.30am. Just visit the Elim Facebook page at and on the Elim YouTube channel at

We will also host a huge Engage community prayer meeting online on Thursday 16 March 7.30pm. We will be praying together as Elim churches, across the family of nations, for the work of the Spirit through our movement.

So gather individually, in groups or meet at your church building as we ask, 'Lord Let Your Kingdom Come, Let your light shine into our communities'. You will find this live stream on the Elim YouTube channel at




How do I get involved in community prayer?

Choose some time that week to pray in your community. Maybe use the time that you are already there or plan a specific time.

This could be prayer walking, using the Oikos App (see below), on your bike, scooter, jumping on a bus route and praying, prayer driving, getting physical street maps and praying over them, or using an online map of the area.

There are many ways to be onsite in your community and pray with insight.

What help is available?

We’ve listed some resources to help, provoke and inspire you, which are highlighted below.

We hope that this week of prayer and the resources will be a catalyst for you and your church to establish more consistent and confident prayer in, with and for our communities in the coming months.

Community Prayer Resources

3-Day Bible & Prayer Plan
Download and share this PDF



Community Prayer Guide
Download and share this PDF



Pray as you walk
Download and share this PDF



Socials - downloadable slide, socials posts, etc
Click, download, save and share

Phone Wallpaper 1
Colour Block WALLPAPER
Get Ready STORY
Get Ready SQUARE

Hope for Every Home – Oikos Prayer App

A great free app to help us pray and share our faith. ‘OIKOS’ is the Greek word for ‘every home’ and the aim of the app is to encourage us in our daily and weekly habits to be praying for our streets and sharing Jesus with our community.

Users are encouraged to ‘tap to tag’ their street once they’ve prayed for it, which will then mark it as ‘prayed for’ with a pin. You can also add ‘share’ pins to capture moments where you’ve shared the love and hope of Jesus with your neighbours – whether with words or actions. You can use it as you physically move through your community or virtually. This app allows us to get a picture of the many thousands of Jesus followers praying for their streets.

Download the Oikos app here and click on the images below to download and share the Oikos promo postcard and user guide.



Tuesday 14 March @ 7:30am

Morning Prayer on Elim's Facebook at and on the Elim YouTube channel at

Wednesday 15 March @ 7:30am

Morning Prayer on Elim's Facebook at and on the Elim YouTube channel at

Thursday 16 March @ 7:30am

Morning Prayer on Elim's Facebook at and on the Elim YouTube channel at

Thursday 16 March @ 7:30pm

Engage Prayer Meeting streamed on Elim's YouTube channel  at

Don't forget to share

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