
Robinson ministry update - December 2022

Ali Robinson

Good morning, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from Lancaster, UK!

Okay so it isn't quite the New Year yet but I am sure it will be before we know it. Thank you all so much for your support over this last year. It has been a year of huge transitions for us; we have moved continents and jobs and churches. Through it all we can testify to the faithfulness of our God. There have been many hard parts but he has been there as our rock and foundation every step of the way. We are now happily settled into a new home in Lancaster that we love. We have been thoroughly welcomed into a new church (Father's House, Lancaster) and are enjoying getting involved. Tim has been playing with the worship team and Dan and I have been helping with lyric projection and sound. Tim even substituted for our pastor sharing the message at the carol service last week. All three of us got involved in helping to run an Alpha course. We also got the opportunity to help with a special Christmas meal for the homeless community cafe as part of an ongoing ministry the church runs. In the New Year both Tim and I (Ali) will be starting new job roles with SIL, one of Wycliffe's key implementing partners. We will still be Wycliffe & Elim missionaries, but will be based out of our house in the UK. We are excited to have the opportunity to support Bible Translation across the whole world. Tim is looking forward to working with the International Language services team, and Ali looks like she might work on the data analytics team helping check with have the most accurate information about all the work going on across the globe, over 1200 projects! will share more once we get settled into them and have a better idea of what they look like. We pray that you will all have a blessed Christmas and New Year and will manage to find a way to keep the amazing truth of Emmanuel, God with us, at the heart of your Christmas. That God loved us so much that he sent his precious son to actually be born and live in this broken world. And that this is only the very beginning of the miraculous story of God saving us from death and destruction. I know that I have found it hard to keep coming back to that in the midst of all the crazy hullabaloo that is Christmas in this part of the world. Happy Christmas!!

God Bless,
Tim & Ali & Dan Robinson.

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We want to wish you (a very belated) Happy Christmas and Happy New Year from the Christian household!!