NationalDayofPrayer 7Jan2022-3

Sarah Whittleston

Join us for the Elim national day of prayer

At the start of the new year, we invite you and your church to join us to pray together as one movement on Friday 7 January 2022.

As this year comes to an end and we look towards 2022, we remember that 7 January is a notable date in Elim’s history. It was the day that saw the founding of our Movement over a century ago in 1915.

Elim was birthed in a challenging historical context, but with a demonstration of God’s supernatural love, power and grace.

Throughout 2021 we have seen God's love continue to impact our lives and communities. So as we advance into 2022, may we look forward to seeing a greater demonstration of God’s supernatural love, power and grace in the places and people God has called us.

Join our National Day of Prayer

At the start of the new year, we invite you and your church to take time to put first things first. Let’s pray together as one movement on our Founder's Day - Friday 7 January 2022. God invites us to participate together in his plans and purpose through prayer. As we head into 2022, let’s take hold of this invitation and promise.

This day of prayer will include online prayer events for our leaders along with a live prayer event held at Elim's Kensington Temple in London. The evening live event will be hosted by Sarah Whittleston (Elim Prayer) and Mark Ryan (Kensington Temple),  along with guests including Chris Cartwright (Elim's National Leader), KT Worship and Elim Sound.

The event is open to everyone to attend in person or join the event which will be streamed live on the Elim YouTube channel at

We are calling Elim churches and people to prayer on 7 January with an awareness that when we call upon the Lord sincerely and consistently in times of great need, He promises not just to listen but to answer.

The first generation of Elim pioneers responded to the stirrings of men and women who were praying for their nation. They believed that God would answer them and turn the tide. Throughout our history, we have repeatedly witnessed that when we respond to His invitation to call upon Him, God moves in promised power.

Join us in praying for a fresh move of God across our nation.

Chris Cartwright - Elim's National Leader

As we begin a New Year let’s make prayer our priority. Let’s seek God together. Let’s hear the heart of God for us and for His church. What a privilege we have as the Elim Movement to join together online or onsite. Don’t miss this opportunity to stand together in prayer. Come on Elim - Let’s Pray!

Sarah Whittleston - Elim Prayer

I am so delighted to connect with Elim Prayer and the whole Elim family as we host the prayer for the nation from the capital. It is an absolute privilege for Kensington Temple to be part of the new wave of the Spirit move through Elim and our nation.

Mark Ryan - Kensington Temple

This is a strategic moment to gather as the Elim family, to pray, to worship and to lift up the name of Jesus. So whether you are able to be in the room or online, please do join us and join in!

Sam Blake - Elim Sound

How to get involved

  • Our regional teams will contact Elim leaders with details of their regional prayer events held during the day.
  • If you live in London, join us in person at Kensington Temple at 7pm or watch the live stream from 7.30pm-9.30pm.
  • Many Elim churches will either host a live event at their church from 7pm, streaming the event live from KT from 7.30pm. Other churches plan to use the live stream as they gather in home groups or stream it on a local church Zoom call.

Will you and your church join us for Elim's national day of prayer on Friday 7 January 2022?

Engage Prayer 2022

Additional prayer dates for 2022. Our next Engage Prayer events will be held on 22-24 March and 27-29 September 2022. Save the dates - more details will follow nearer the time.


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