PrayerC 1920

A coronavirus prayer

This prayer has been written as a response to the coronavirus crisis and is available for you to use and share with others.

As we come to our Father in prayer, we remember God is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in whom I trust (Psalm 91:2). We are not led by a spirit of fear but with love, power and a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7)

As we unite in prayer, we are reminded that with God nothing is impossible (Luke 1:37).

Lord, we ask you to protect us from the spread of coronavirus. God, we believe that you are a Healer. We ask for you to heal those with coronavirus. Lord, have mercy on us.

Grant wisdom to the Government, World Health Organisation and other leaders as they monitor, assess and lead through this pandemic.

Give strength afresh to those on the frontlines of medicine and health care. In their weariness enable them to lean into your strength.

Give wisdom and insight to those researching for a cure. Bring them clear thinking and a breakthrough.

You are the God who comforts. Embrace those who are grieving the loss of loved ones with your grace. Surround those experiencing trauma and loss, with your compassionate love.

For those in isolation, who are fearful and suffering anxiety be the Prince of Peace and the Wonderful Counsellor.

You are the God of hope. May we as your people choose hope and faith. May we be beacons of hope and light to those around us.

In this season may many come to know you, Jesus, as Lord and Saviour.

May your church rise up, with wisdom, creativity and compassion to demonstrate your love in action.

We lift our eyes are to you Jesus. You are our Helper. Fill us afresh with your Spirit, with joy and peace as we trust in you. May we overflow with hope by your power (Romans 15:13).


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