Helping churches and evangelists develop effective strategies for reaching their communities with the gospel and establish new churches as they grow

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Will you be a SEED and plan hope in others?
Making disciples isn’t just a job for leaders of a church, it is everyone’s responsibility – so it’s time to give it a go, encourages Sammy Jordan
How Elim churches can be really good news to their friends and family
John Kirkby explains how an app is helping turn Christians’ good intentions into actions
How Elim churches can be really good news for those caught up in addiction
You need to be prepared to journey with addicts, says Barry Woodward
Elim Evangelism Conference 2024
A one-day conference for anyone doing the work of evangelism or church planting, or those that want to learn how.
How Elim churches can be really good news in the sporting community
Don’t pray for victory when taking the kids to football club, says Warren Evans
Evangelism Culture
Are you struggling to know what the next steps are for your church to see people sharpen their focus on evangelism?
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