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Leadership 101: Leading youth and children's ministry into a bright future

Youth and children's ministry is impacted by many things - from training and resources to demographics. But ultimately it is leadership skills that determine how fruitful our ministries can be. That's why Limitless seeks to equip leaders to help them raise up a LIMITLESS Generation.

Tim Alford, National Director of Limitless - the national youth and children's ministry of Elim, has published a practical leadership book to equip leaders to lead well.

The Leadership 101 book, is a manual designed to equip youth and kids workers with the tools they need not just to lead, but to lead well.

Taking a holistic look at leadership, Tim explores the principles of self-leadership, culture and team building, vision and strategy as well as offering practical, experienced advice on how to implement those principles in our Christian leadership.

Purchase your copy today

In addition to the book, Limitless teamed up with Premier Youth & Children's Work to launch the Leadership 101 video series, designed to help busy youth and children’s ministry leaders invest in their leadership development.

In these videos, Tim Alford shares his leadership wisdom. So, why not schedule time in your diary to gather your team and volunteers, then watch and discuss these videos together?


Equipping Leaders - Inspiring Churches - Raising up a Limitless Generation

  101 Book     101 Videos    Articles    Podcast    Academy    Pioneers

Leadership 101: Your go-to guide for leading youth and children’s ministries into a brighter future 

Thoroughly readable and entirely applicable, Leadership 101 is the perfect leadership book for children's and youth workers to refer to again and again as you lead your ministry into a brighter, more fruitful, future.

What is the one thing that will have the most significant impact on the fruitfulness of our youth and children’s ministries?

Tim Alford, National Director of Limitless, argues that, whilst resources, geography, demographic, training, style, approach, and circumstances all make a difference, our leadership is the defining factor that supersedes all other challenges and opportunities in determining the fruitfulness of our ministries.

This book, then, is designed to equip you with the tools you need to lead at your best; to lead your children and young people towards Jesus; to lead the best Kingdom teams possible; to lead your youth and children’s ministries into a brighter, more fruitful, future.

Written in three parts, Tim takes a wholistic look at our leadership, exploring the principles of self-leadership, culture & team building, and finally, vision and strategy. Thoroughly readable and entirely applicable, this leadership manual is the perfect book for children’s and youth workers to refer back to again and again throughout their ministry.

CLICK TO Preview the Kindle book

Tim Alford introduces THE Leadership 101 BOOK

PART 1: Self-Leadership

Intro: Sharpen the Saw

  1. The Ten Most Important Things a Leader Should Do Every Week
  2. Pause, Reflect, Innovate, Repeat
  3. Model It
  4. Choose Your Attitude
  5. Discover Your Passion
  6. Passion Killers
  7. Humble Leaders Are Better Leaders
  8. Soak it Up: The Art of Receiving Feedback
  9. How to Keep Going When You Feel Like Giving Up
  10. The New Rules of Social Media

PART 2: Culture and Team Building

Intro: A Genius with a Thousand Helpers

  1. Culture Club
  2. The Value of Values
  3. Creating Community
  4. Shoot the Elephant
  5. The Paradox of Apology
  6. Building Diverse Leadership Teams
  7. Pay it Forward: Raising Leaders
  8. How to Lead a Volunteer Team
  9. Thanks for the Feedback
  10. How to Not Hate Meetings

PART 3: Vision & Strategy

Intro: Getting From Here to There

  1. Define Your Mission
  2. Vision: From Concept to Target
  3. Making Ideas Happen
  4. Do Less Better
  5. How to Lead Change
  6. Wisdom and Risk: Embracing the Tension
  7. How to Lead Up
  8. Killing Time? 
  9. Excellence is not a Swear Word
  10. Keeping in Step with the Spirit

Purchase your copy OF LEADERSHIP 101   Buy Now

Leadership 101 video series

A video teaching series designed to help busy youth and children’s ministry leaders invest in their leadership development. We hope that each of these Leadership 101  teaching videos will help you develop your gifts, sharpen your skills and flourish as a leader. Other videos are available on the Limitless YouTube channel at limitlesselim.co.uk/youtube

Latest Limitless articles  

Read the latest Limitless articles including a series on Leadership 101 at limitlesselim.co.uk/latest

Limitless Oxygen 2024: Prayer and fasting
This year, the day before we gather for Limitless Oxygen, we are calling youth and kids workers everywhere to a national day of fasting and prayer for young people
Leadership Disciplines #12 Scripture: Part 3
In part three of Tim Alford's three-part series, he looks at the importance of not letting scripture be sidelined on our watch
Leadership Disciplines #12 Scripture: Part 2
In part two of Tim Alford's three-part series, he begins to explore some practical Bible reading tools that you can take away and apply to your life

Latest Limitless Leadership Podcast  

Listen and subscribe to the Limitless Leadership podcast at limitlesselim.co.uk/podcast

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