Christmas day 2024

Christmas Day 2024

Jordan and Nitasha News

January/February 2025 Update

"And they said, 'All that the LORD has spoken we will do, and we will be obedient.'" - Exodus 24:7b (ESV)

Dear Friends

Well firstly, we want to wish you (a very belated) Happy Christmas and Happy New Year from the Christian household!!

We’ve missed connecting with you all over the festive season!

Our Christmas Day looked a little different this year: we had the absolute pleasure of being invited to spend Christmas with the Elder of the church, Sanna, and her husband, Gord, in their lovely country house in the mountains, along with the Pastor, his wife, and another friend. It was so lovely to be able to spend quality time together, play games, feast, pray, and meet an elderly neighbour of theirs.

Secondly, please allow us to apologise for the delay in our newsletter, unfortunately this is because myself and Jordan had been very unwell throughout the month of January. We both caught influenza on New Year’s Eve, which developed into a pretty bad fever, and then for myself, Bronchitis. Praise God we are healed and fully recovered as of last week!

It was pretty intense being so unwell for so long, whilst being away from home, however we are so grateful to those around us; including the Pastor and his wife, Lady Chiaki, who had gone above and beyond to care for us, they’d delivered medicine, groceries and dinner to help aid our recovery. And after a month of sickness I’m pleased to say we are well, and we thank God for His healing hand. God is so good!

The Difficulties

There are times that we have to remind ourselves that we have only been here for 5 months. We have learnt so much but there’s still so much to learn and navigate. Paying the rent can be one of those times, with direct debits not being common here, meaning we have to pay in cash at convenience stores (you have to be residents for a significant length of time before being accepted for a Japanese bank account with a debit card),and, everything taking twice as long since it’s in Japanese. Doing the weekly grocery shops is another one - we’re constantly looking for new easy recipes whilst our stomachs get accustomed to the food. I’m (Tash) getting there, but I’ve had a couple of wobbly moments where I’ve been overwhelmed in the supermarket when trying to find ingredients for fajitas, for example (sometimes, it’s the small things).

So we’re doing our best to extend an extra portion of grace and kindness to ourselves and each other when taking on daily tasks.

We have been in talks with the Pastor, and Elim HQ regarding implementing a healthy schedule. We’d acknowledged that as soon as we’d landed, we’d hit the ground running regarding ministry, and upon reflection, both myself and Jordan, along with the wise counsel at Elim HQ, have reviewed our schedules to incorporate more time for rest, language study, and creativity. It’s been a journey in conveying this to the Pastor, but he has been patient and understanding.

Being unwell, has been something new to navigate on this side of the world. With many restless nights, coughing fits, and to be frank, moments of agony. But through it, we Praise God for His goodness and protection over us. Especially because of the great experience we’d had at the doctor’s surgery! After a very swift appointment, we went right over to the pharmacy next door and purchased the necessary (and inexpensive) medication. It was also good become familiar with the non-English speaking, yet super helpful doctor and staff at the pharmacy!

The Wins

We’ve received our shipment!! Horaaaay!! All was received on the week of Christmas - every box we opened felt like a Christmas present! With only a couple of the large items slightly damaged, our goods arrived safe and sound. God is such a caring Father, it was so timely. This really lifted our spirits when we were feeling the distance whilst being away from family and friends in the UK during the festivities.

Recently, I have been inspired to paint and I felt compelled to make and gift a painting to the Pastor and his wife. It was based on Luke 3:22. The focus of the painting is a dove, and I was pleased to gift this to them in time for Christmas. They were deeply moved by the gift, they explained why this spoke to them in the season they are in, and they were so grateful.


We understand that it’s us in Japan, on mission, but we know deep down that none of what we do here would be possible without your offerings, your support and your prayers.

It’s because of your support that one lady, the same lady, every week, vocalises her gratitude to us both regarding the changes to church systems and church media. We know we have both been working to implement useful and effective changes, but without prayer and that ¥500 (£2.60) that gets us a very decent lunch, we wouldn’t be able to do anything. Jordan’s experience in the area of audio and visual media has been such a blessing. This Saturday, Jordan will be leading a Media Workshop for members of the church, to encourage more involvement in media. This is such an exciting event and we’re looking forward to see what comes of it.

For myself, I’ve been spending a portion of my time developing admin systems, and Pastoral Care (known as counselling here). Engaging in Pastoral Care has helped me explore more of what my passions are when it comes to discipling young women. I have been supporting a few members of the church and team on a regular basis, with plans to see how to develop a comprehensive system of care for many women who struggle with issues such as isolation, abuse and ill mental health.

One lady shared:

“I can’t recall when I’ve permitted to think about the value I have as a part of the body of Christ, outside of my service. Now I think about my identity and gifting with a new perspective. With hope and excitement!”

When I hear things like this, I am overjoyed with what God is doing here in Japan! A group of us also had the opportunity to deliver groceries to a single mother with physical disabilities that prohibited her from leaving her home, where I was able to pray for her.

All of this can’t continue without you. So, please share with your pastor, family, friends, and of course, your church about the work we do, and prayerfully consider becoming one of our monthly partners.


Prayer Points

  • Please pray for direction and financial provision in order for us to maintain our outgoings here in Japan, (rent, utilities, etc.).
  • Would you pray for our health? We have struggled with our physical health throughout January, we are well now and want to remain in good health to continue our works and service.
  • Prayer for open hearts of the Japanese and for a boldness to ask for help. Many people here struggle with the idea of asking for help, let alone receiving it. Would you pray for us to be sensitive to this as they step out?
  • Both Jordan and I will be taking on new discipleship journeys with a couple of church members. Please pray for strength, wisdom and the power of the Holy Spirit to minister through us as we begin this February.

We are looking forward to journeying with you in 2025!

All our love,

Nitasha & Jordan Christian



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