Heidi Longworth Newsletter Christmas 2024


The last few months have been more or less life as usual with leading worship regularly, Deo Impact youth ministry and continuing work on the new building (which is challenging at times with lots of decisions to make!). But it is exciting to see God at work even in the details of all things - we just need to remember to look out for them!

With the youth, we took a train trip to Alba Iulia (the place where the papers were signed on 1st December 1918, which makes Romania the geographical place it is now). As well the train journey itself being a novelty for most, we did a quest around the city, learning more about the history, some of the girls went ice skating, we wandered around the Christmas market and then went to a youth conference evening which we all really enjoyed. The girls group enjoyed a gingerbread house making competition - the results of which were also very tasty! On 7th December, we hosted our own youth event and invited lots of different youth groups from the area. We had visiting worship leader and speaker and it was so encouraging how our youth really took on the tasks of welcoming everyone, making hot chocolate and generally serving behind the scenes. It was a big undertaking but it went well. 

I enjoyed a few days in Barcelona in October with friends, followed by what turned into an extremely busy but fun few weeks in the UK, visiting various churches and friends around the country, and a few days visiting Jane Austen country with my mum. The highlight has to be meeting my little niece, enjoying lots of auntie cuddles and being at her lovely dedication service.

I am staying in Romania for Christmas this year. As well as organising lots of Christmas services with the music and a youth drama sketch, I’m also cooking a British Christmas dinner (or as near to British as I can get with the ingredients I can find here!) for some friends. My mincemeat turned out yummy even with various ingredient substitutes, I was excited to find that Lidl stock turkeys at this time of year (it’s not traditional Romanian fare) and I even sourced some Christmas crackers. I will of course also enjoy eating Romanian sarmale (cabbage rolls) and salata de boeuf (a kind of potato salad) too, going carolling on Christmas eve with the youth and generally doing Christmas Romanian style this year!

As we celebrate this wonderful season, I’d like to say once again just how much I appreciate all your love, support and prayers. It really has carried me through this year. I wish you all a really happy Christmas and pray this blessing over all of you…

May the joy of the angels, the eagerness of the shepherds, the perseverance of the wise men, the obedience of Mary and Joseph, and the peace of the Christ Child be yours this Christmas.

With much love,


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We want to wish you (a very belated) Happy Christmas and Happy New Year from the Christian household!!