
Tales from the Macedonian Mission Field - September/November 2024 Update

Scott Jackson

I want to begin this latest newsletter by rejoicing, and I hope that you will rejoice with me. Why? Because of all that our Lord, King, Saviour and Brother has done for us. However our season is looking, and I do not take anything away from that, it does not detract from what our beautiful Saviour has done for us, and how we get to live as the result of that. So I would encourage us to regularly still our hearts, and focus on the One who began the good work within us, and who will carry it on to completion as we allow Him.

Hebrews 12:1-3...

"Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before Him He endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.  Consider Him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart."

Young Life....

This last season has been very busy, and in many ways included a lot of planning. September as we know, brings about the beginning of a new school year, and so in Young Life, we spent time planning as teams within the ministry what we would be aiming to do over this season, especially up until Christmas.

We have had two weekends away in September as teams. The first was to the city of Veles, where we spent a couple of days drawing together, discussing and planning the next season.

The second was for the Young Life Balkan Prayer Retreat, where the YL teams from across the Balkans came together just outside of Thessaloniki to spend the weekend in prayer, worship and reflection. We believe that nothing should start except by prayer. And so, this was an important and powerful time of us pressing in God together, in praise for who He is, for our nations and the wider region.

The photo below shows the Balkan YL teams together on the Prayer Weekend.

Prayer Weekend

In addition to these, here in Skopje, as a ministry we have begun a second initiative for the older kids (15-18 years old).  Through discussions with a local pastor here in the community of Novo Lisiche, every Friday evening, the church building is now open for teens to 'drop in' and hang out.  This will develop further as the team is able to expand.  We are also in active discussion with this same church to begin a new WyldLife Club there for the younger kids (10-14 year olds), which is the area of the ministry where I volunteer in.  This will be in addition to the WyldLife Club we already host on the other side of the city.  We are looking to hopefully begin these in the Spring, and your prayers for this would be very much appreciated.

November also saw us spend a morning cleaning and litter picking around Novo Lisiche.  This involved the team along with some parents and kids joining in.  We call these initiatives 'Serve Skopje'.

Bible Studies...

Within Young Life, it is wonderful to see that more and more of the kids are wanting to engage with the Lord and go deeper with Him. Over the last 18 months, as a ministry, we have gone from having 2 youth Bible Studies, to having 5. The WyldLife boys Bible Study averages around 10 lads each study, but can be as many as 14. It's special to see the journey these kids are taking in their walk with Jesus and the growth in their friendships with each other.

Within Novo Lisiche, Ian and Katie Moore have begun a third new Bible Study, with each one having a slightly different focus, one being for English language, one aimed at kids and families, and this third one for Macedonian language.  It's easy to see the amazing potential here, and the beginnings of a wider team from this local area being knit together.

Moving Apartments...

The end of August / beginning of September also marked the transition to living in a new apartment.  This is in the community of Novo Lisice, 5 minutes walk away from the church congregation mentioned above, and two minutes walk from the Moore family, whom I work in partnership with.  I believe that this is a God-ordained move, and will help to enable and facilitate better mission and community.

Trip to the UK...

It was wonderful to be able to see and spend time with friends and family during my three week trip to the UK over the end of October to mid November.  It was a packed trip, but I am thankful for these moments of reconnection with the UK, and the opportunity to meet new people also whilst there.


  • For the Young Life away weekends.  They were great opportunities to go deeper together as team members, pressing into God, and seeking His direction for our steps forward.
  • For the increase of engagement from the kids in the Bible Studies.
  • For the new Macedonian language Bible Study.
  • For God's favour with the new apartment, and it's fantastic location related to other team members and community.

Prayer Requests

  • For an increase in team members for Young Life.  As with many situations in ministry, expansion is often held back by a lack of workers.  Please pray for the Lord of the harvest to send workers out into this field.  This is also a very necessary requirement for the potential new WyldLife Club in Novo Lisiche from next Spring.
  • For an increase in open doors and hearts in Novo Lisiche to the Gospel.
  • For continued and increasing hunger amongst those at the Bible Studies for more of God, and that they would continue to go from strength to strength in their relationship with Him.
  • For protection over peoples health during this winter.  With the colder weather brings the huge increase in smog levels, with Skopje regularly the worst city in Europe for air pollution, and in the top ten on a global level.

Thank you so much for reading my latest newsletter. I pray that in this upcoming holiday season, you will have a blessed time with family and friends, and time to rest as well. Your partnership means a lot, and I thank God for you all.

With much love and every blessing in Christ,

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We want to wish you (a very belated) Happy Christmas and Happy New Year from the Christian household!!