Consecration 16x9

21 Days of Consecration devotional guide

We are thrilled to share a powerful new resource: the 21 Days of Consecration devotional guide. This 21-day journey, authored by Malcolm Duncan and distributed initially to Elim ministers, is designed to help you deepen your relationship with God through intentional reflection, prayer, and fasting. This resource is not just another devotional; it’s a call to deeper spiritual commitment and intentionality for leaders, churches, and the entire Elim Movement.

As we face the challenges and opportunities ahead, we recognise the importance of consecration—a deliberate setting apart of our lives for God’s purposes. Whether you’re a pastor, elder, deacon, or simply someone passionate about the Gospel, this guide is crafted with you in mind. It invites you to reflect on how consecration can shape your personal life, your church, and our Movement as a whole.

What's inside?

The guide comprises 21 thought-provoking devotions that explore various aspects of consecration. These devotions are designed to be flexible—you can follow them in order, pick the ones that resonate with you, or use them as a foundation for group discussions and prayer.

This first stage of our consecration journey is an invitation for individual reflection, but it doesn’t stop there. The guide also prepares us for the next stages, where we will explore consecration within our churches, regions, and eventually across the entire Movement.

“I dare to believe that Elim’s future can be greater than our history if we will humbly bow in surrender and service. Our season of consecration is key to this right posture.” — Mark Pugh, General Superintendent

Join the journey

This 21-day guide is an invitation to set aside time for intentional spiritual growth. You may want to consider pairing it with a Daniel Fast, journaling your experiences, or sharing insights with your church or small group. However you choose to engage, our hope is that these devotions will bring you into a deeper experience of God’s presence and purpose.

Download the 21 Days of Consecration guide

We encourage you to download the guide, make it a part of your daily routine, and share it with others in your church community. The guide is available for free download by clicking the link below.

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