
The McKillop's Newsletter: April - June 2024

Dear Friends

The pace of life and ministry at Nyangombe seems to accelerate with the years. Easter, Sunday School Teachers Training, Ladies Conference, old Trainees leaving and new ones coming in have all happened in the last few months. Never a dull moment. It has been a joy to see what the Lord has been doing and to be a small part of His work in hearts and lives.

75 new Forrest & Game Guards

It has always been a priority at Nyangombe to look after the 2,000 acres of amazing bush which was freely given by Senior Chief Sailunga. Looking after land, game and the indigenous forest is a clear scriptural principle which we fully support in every way possible. Trees do have to be cut for timber but many more indigenous trees have been planted than have been harvested. National Government knows this and therefore took the initiative to train 75 new Forrest and Game Guards at Nyangombe. On a Friday in May, five Chiefs and some very senior Government Officials arrived to see the new students ‘graduate’. With so many important guests, the entire Nyangombe staff were stretched to the limits as 350 people gathered for the ‘graduation celebration’ and where each guard was provided, on completion of prior training, with new uniforms and a brand new bicycle with which to use in the prevention of illegal logging and snaring of wildlife.


Training Mechanics in Skills for Life

Nyangombe Workshops are known in the area for managing to complete complex repair jobs which others do not have the facilities, equipment or expertise to do. It is excellent experience for Trainee Mechanics at Nyangombe to tackle jobs and complete work which others have failed to do. This tractor was fairly new and the task was to remove broken studs from the tow bracket under the tractor without which the tractor was useless. The tractor is now back at work harvesting maize.


Teaching Ladies

mckillop3Teaching ladies is a high priority at Nyangombe. Ladies have a major role in influencing other women, children and their communities. It should not be surprising that Christian ladies hold significant influence in their villages and this proves frequently to be an opportunity for the Gospel to reach those who would never attend a Church.

When the ladies come together they enjoy fellowship and renewal of friendships with friends that they have not seen for many months. As part of their worship around God’s Word, singing plays a major role as they praise the Lord for all He has done in their lives and in the lives of their respective families

A session was taught by an older lady on how the younger women should respect and honor their husbands in the Lord. In so doing the family unit becomes strong and God centered. It may not be a message often heard today in the West but we see in Africa some VERY strong and committed marital relationships as this love for each other filters down to the children.

Mechanical Trainees Complete Course

mckillop4Training young men and women with Skills for Life has been an integral part of ‘Nyangombe’ from the beginnings 34 years ago. As well as training in a life skill our aim is also to foster a good, honest work ethic which will set up a boy or girl to either get employment or to build their own business. We have a good team who look after and teach the trainees God’s Word. Many leave here with a strong faith and an attitude where they can contribute to their village and community. It is always great to see them ‘graduating’ and receiving tool kits. New tools are donated by kind individuals and Church based supporters overseas. Second hand, refurbished tools are provided by Tools with Mission, a well known UK Charity. Tool kits provided at the end of training give trainees the very best opportunity to earn a living for their families in the future. At Nyangombe we have an excellent team of men and women who have a passion to see all who pass through here somehow touched by the love of the Lord.

Thank you as always for prayer and support,
Gordon and Sybil

  more about the McKillops

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