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Encouraging sisterhood

Shiv Rapley explains how God laid Made for More on her heart and how it’s now helping Christian women socialise and fellowship

Something special happens when ladies have a safe space to connect and do life together, writes Shiv Rapley. I’ve always found great joy in women’s gatherings and this is how Made for More (MFM) was birthed!

I’m passionate about event planning in general, and building godly connections with women specifically, and I felt led to combine the two. In fact, MFM was founded after a season of prayer and asking the Lord, “What next?”

MFM curates monthly events for Christian women to get together, socialise, encourage sisterhood, accountability, prayer, and fellowship both inside and outside of church.

When God laid MFM on my heart, I was scared to step out and do something new. I was worried nobody would come or be interested! After seeking God and reaching out to several women, I asked what sort of things they’d like to try, events they’d choose to attend and topics they’d appreciate being covered. The response was so encouraging, I thought, “Why didn’t I start sooner?”

I coordinate an annual youth conference called Girl Talk for teens and their youth leaders. This year’s event is planned for Saturday 2 November at City Gates Church in Ilford – spread the word! Having been involved in Girl Talk, whether attending as a child, serving, or hosting, I always found great joy in the sense of love, freedom, and sisterhood when we gathered.

After I shared the details of MFM’s first event, Leanne Mallett contacted me, mentioning she’d been praying about me joining the Aspire team. This was timely confirmation that women’s ministry is something God wanted me to walk in.

Our first event was a Christian ‘Sip & Paint Night’; we had over 55 women attend. The ladies networked, prayed together, got creative with art and we had a live band and singers!

After this we hosted an afternoon tea, a nature hike, a Cuban salsa session, a picnic, a pottery class, a prayer board night, and my favourite was the weekend retreat where everyone received a prophetic word! The great thing is, ladies can attend whatever they want – there’s no obligation to come to every event, but there’s always an opportunity to meet and even invite their unsaved friends!

I believe it comes down to the gift of hospitality which I know God has given all of us in some sphere. I’ve seen this in my own family; specifically in my mother Sonia and grandmother Monica. As a child, I saw them taking people in, giving them a safe space just to be – feeding, clothing, housing them, even if it was just for a season.

My aim is to carry on until God says stop. I didn’t anticipate the way he would open doors of opportunity, friendship, and connection just through an obedient ‘YES’. Let me encourage you; there may be something you’ve wanted to try, or a business you want to launch but doubt has crippled you. Why not step out in faith and allow God to use your gift – it is to be shared, after all!

Shiv Rapley, founder of Made for More, and coordinator of Girl Talk since 2018, has recently joined the Aspire team.

This article first appeared in Direction Magazine. For further details, please click here.

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Future Events

Friday 4 April 2025 7:30pm – 10:30pm
The Missions Be Free Charity Ball is a special event hosted by Elim Missions & Elim Aspire. The event is to raise money for Elim Missions Be Free projects.
Saturday 14 June 2025 10:30am – 5:00pm
The ONE conference is a day conference for all Women (hosted by Elim Aspire). Join us as we gather together with ONE heart,  ONE voice to worship ONE God.  

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