
Deb Ann Hughes News - March 2024

Hi everyone

I hope this newsletter finds you all well. I realise this spring newsletter is very much overdue. My apologies for this but the last few months have been busy and difficult at times. Thank you to those of you who have been praying for me and lifting me up to our Heavenly Father. I really appreciate your prayers and support.

Over the last few month, I have been asked to pray for several ladies for deliverance. I have seen Father move in the lives of these precious ladies and their daughters. I have seen such a difference in their lives an their appearances. Please pray for me as I continue to build relationships with these ladies and tell them more about the Good News and our Saviour who has set them free. ( Isaiah 61:1)

This week sees the start of Ramadan. Would you consider praying each day for the next 30 days for the Muslim world? More details later in the newsletter.


Last October saw the team of doctors return to the Oasis. Another dentist and dental nurse joined them as well as 2 new doctors. They used the facilities, fully equipped surgeries that I found in the Oasis. The doctors worked really hard to see as many patients as possible. One of the doctors brought her mum who was amazing, She was a wonderful receptionist, taking everyone’s name and directing them to the relevant doctors. In August she lost her son in a car accident. He was only 25 years old and used to work in a pharmaceutical company. Many of his friends that still work there heard that she was coming to the Oasis on a medical outreach and donated a lot of the medicines that were given to the patients for free.

The doctors were honoured by the manager of the centre with a meal at the local restaurant and took them on a desert safari which they really enjoyed.

They are hoping to come back again in May. Please pray for all the practicalities and provisions that they need to come here.


My friends from Cairo visited in November and again in January. They are continuing to build relationships with my friends here and hoping to set up a micro project of farming sheep and goats in order to help poor families to earn some extra income for their household.

My other friend from the same team ‘M’ brought another lady ‘C’ with her in December and again in February. They are trained as birthing partners for ladies and are breast, feeding coaches. They have done several teaching sessions here about hormones, puberty for the teenage girls and visiting newborn babies which is one of the rewarding visits I look forward to. On one of their teaching sessions, they showed the ladies and girls some cards that had various expressions and feelings on them. They asked the ladies to pick 2 cards and say why they chose them, describing how they felt yesterday and that day. It was wonderful to see the ladies engaging in this exercise as they don’t show their feelings a lot and tend to bury their feelings deep down.

Next month ‘M’ will bring a new lady, Rania, who will teach the ladies about their periods and introduce some reusable period products. This will help them so much as the cost of the sanitary products have increased a lot over the last few months.


friends1In December Sohair brought her friends from Aswan to teach the ladies that she knows.

They taught them how to make soap and ointment. Also, she gave them information on health issues and how to look after themselves. It was a wonderful time meeting new ladies. Sohair is hoping to do more teaching with these ladies and possibly bring some stories from the Bible

Please pray for Sohair, for protection, wisdom and open hearts for the ladies that they want to know more about the Good News,


prayerAs I mentioned earlier, Ramadan started on the 10th March. This 30 days of prayer booklet is available as a PDF or you can sign up for daily emails. It is a wonderful tool to help us pray for the Muslim people during this month of fasting.

prayersactAnother resource is Prayercast
This involves daily emails and videos sharing testimonies of Muslims coming to know our Saviour.


houseLast week I took an electrical engineer to the house on the land to see if I can bring electricity to the house. He took measurements and we went back to the electrical company to see about the next steps. They said that I needed 3 electrical poles, box, wires and meter. They said I could buy all the equipement myself but if I can’t afford it, they would kindly supply the 3 poles for free but I would need to build a wall at the back and side of the house and a place for the electricity box.

This isn’t easy and will probably cost quite a bit too. Please pray for provision, wisdom and discernment for me of who can build the wall at a reasonable price.



  • Me as I go through this transition season, that I will lean into God more and learn from HIM.
  • The electricity for the house
  • Sohair as she works in the Oasis
  • For my friends from Cairo who are imparting into the lives of the people here.
  • Doctors coming in May.
  • Rania bringing the period products and teaching for the ladies next month.
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