Heidi Longworth Newsletter Winter 2023/2024
Those who know me well know that cold weather is really not my thing! But this winter has been anything but cold when it comes to the things God has been doing.
Since the camp in the Summer, it has been an absolute honour to see how many of the young people have been regularly coming back, not only to our weekly youth meetings, but also many of them come on Sunday mornings to church services too. The group has grown numerically, but it’s also been exciting to see God working in them and transforming their lives.
Youth Alpha last term went really well. It was great to have the support of the whole church in providing food each week, and we all had some brilliant group discussions
Some of the young people suggested we do a prayer night, so we organised some creative prayer activities, and enjoyed being the presence of God together. Not everyone came, but for those who did, it was a profound time standing together on holy ground
In December, we invited some other youth groups from a bit further afield to join us for a Christmas celebration. With hot chocolate, pizza and fun activities to get to know each other, we also worshipped together and heard from the Word about how to be a generation of impact. It’s the first time we’ve hosted such an event and the young people did so well in welcoming the guests and helping to make it all happen
The pastor of our church started baptism classes and there is a good number of youth who are taking part and thinking about whether they are ready to take this step

Other highlights
History Makers is a course helping young leaders to clarify the vision God has for them and to equip them in taking the next steps into leadership. As well as teaching some of the sessions, I translated many of the other sessions into English for our American visitors and Ukrainian participants
Deo Gloria Church celebrated its 16th birthday in November. We had a wonderful bring and share after the service, and one of the best cakes ever!
At the start of this academic year, I restarted on my MA course and have been making progress on my dissertation proposal, and am just about ready to start the research itself. It has been a long journey to get this far, but it will hopefully be an encouragement to the church here, as well as useful for my own development
It has made such a difference to me now that I have a sending church, and it was a real privilege to fly back to the UK and lead worship for New Life’s 25th anniversary service in November. It was a great celebration of the goodness and faithfulness of God to his people in that place
I was also back in the UK for Christmas. As well as leading worship at various events, including the carol service at New Life, I also sang in a local choir for a concert which was lots of fun
It was so lovely to spend time with family over the Christmas period, and a real blessing to have a week’s holiday with friends too
In January, New Life Church welcomed their new pastor and his family, and it was a real joy to meet them and to lead worship for their induction service before flying back to Romania
This term
I’ve only been back in Romania a week, but I’ve certainly hit the ground running! As well as leading the worship team, a lot of my focus will be on the youth…
Some of the youth felt they needed something more meaty by way of Bible Study, so together with the pastor, we are doing weekly studies, looking at the book of Hosea
The youth are also loving the opportunities to learn instruments, and together with the help of a visiting musician, are in the process of forming their own band with a view to leading worship for a special Easter event. So I have been providing songs and individual music lessons to encourage and support this new venture
Each of us youth leaders are also doing a discipleship course with some of the young people 1-2-1. I’m starting it with two girls this week.
Please pray…
That I will settle back in quickly and well, and that although I've hit the ground running, I will be able to get into a good and healthy routine of life.
For the young people who are coming to the mid-week Bible Studies on the book of Hosea (which is in addition to Saturday evening youth group), that they would find it beneficial in their relationship with God and will help them to grow spiritually.
For the weekly meetings with some of the young people with youth leaders 1-2-1 for the discipleship course - that they would really understand the gospel and come to a point of decision to follow Jesus for themselves.
Every other Saturday evening, we split the youth into guys and girls and this weekend we started a course on love, sex and relationships. The girls in my group really engaged well with the material. Do pray that both groups would come to understand how much worth they have, and how valuable the biblical understanding of these things is for them.
For the young people who are preparing to get baptised, and for those who haven’t yet made that decision or don’t quite feel ready to take that step.
For unity, wisdom and clarity of vision/direction for the youth leaders as we seek to evangelise and disciple these precious young people, and as we plan for camp in the summer.
For my studies, and that my health continues to be good.
Give thanks for all the amazing things God is doing at Deo Gloria Church and particularly among the young people.
God bless you all for your love and support.
With love,
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