
The McKillop's Newsletter: October 2023

Fellowship Meeting with Widows and Widowers

It was very emotional today to see so many widows and some widowers turn up at Nyangombe to receive some gifts made possible by the kind donations of overseas Christians through their home assemblies.

A blanket, some cooking oil, a bag of salt, a bag of dried fish and a piece of soap and you would think that these dear folks had been given something more precious than diamonds. Distribution of items has to be done with sensitivity and as a clear expression of genuine love.


An opportunity was grasped to preach a short Gospel message to all 75 who attended. Many are Christians but many are not. They are warmly welcomed. It was our hope and prayer that all would sense that these gifts came to them from the Lord Himself .


At one point a lady broke into song, ‘God’s grace has touched even me’ she sang as the entire group joined in the refrain spontaneously. For almost ten minutes the people sang different songs of thanksgiving to the Lord for his love demonstrated to them.


In the West we have so many social and health services who mobilize to assist vulnerable people when things go wrong in life and health. Not so in Africa. This is where ‘Project Hope’ comes in. Caring Christian villagers, both men and women, act as unpaid carers in their communities. They will hear first that an elderly woman’s thatch is leaking in the rain and that she wakes up wet and shivering. Boys are dispatched to cut grass and paid a little to repair the thatch.

It will also be hard for folks from a Western background to fully understand the tough lives of the vast majority of these elderly widows and widowers. Most do not have a bed and lay down every night on a reed mat spread on the hard mud floor of their huts. Tired old bones have to get down onto the mat. Getting up, they roll over, get on their knees and laboriously try to get on their feet in the morning. Therefore a warm blanket in the cold season is an amazing gift which gives warmth to the elderly and often means that they do not have to go out into the darkness and cold when nature calls.


To receive salt, fish, cooking oil left the recipients speechless with some commenting that they will not go hungry for at least a week! And the luxury of their very own bar of soap,,,, caused tears to mingle with joy!


A meal is the highlight of their day when they can chat and enjoy a full meal together. Often the elderly do not have access to appetizing food so on these occasions they marvel at the variety and that they can eat all that they want.


We noticed that many, who were present at the last meeting of the Widows, have now passed on and are with us no longer. Nonetheless, it is a blessing that in their final weeks and days, our village carers were able to minister to them and at least make them comfortable

We thank the Lord for every opportunity we have to serve the elderly and to help organize things to make their final years just a little more joyful and bearable. It is amazing to have so many Christians around who feel a burden to care for the elderly and to bring their needs to our notice.

The unseen ‘facilitators’ in this program are the many from far away who give generously to the Lord’s work and in turn allow us to pass on a blessing to many.

Grateful thanks from the Nyangombe Team and the Village Carers

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