Tales from the Macedonian Mission Field - July/August 2023 Update
Scott Jackson
How has your summer been? Do you find summer to be the continuation of the hurly burly of life, or do you find it to be slightly more restful? In several ways I think it can be both. It can often lead to an increase in activity in some areas and a slow down in others. The slow down in some activity can also provide good opportunities for retreats, to spend time with the Lord. In this, I am reminded of John 15:4...
"Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me."
But even as I write this, I am reminded of the need not just for potential seasonal retreats, but daily ones. Moments in the day where, just as Papa says we be still and know that He is God (Psalm 46). And that doesn't mean that we need to spend hours of the day in stillness. But it does mean that we should prioritise those moments of just being with Him, growing in that intimacy, because it is out of that place that our faith will grow and that we will be empowered to do that which He calls us to do. May this summer have been a blessed time for you and your family, and an empowering time for the season ahead.
Young Life Camps
July is becoming a very busy month for me on the annual schedule. During this month the Young Life camps take place, and each year I find that I am involved in new and exciting ways. This year I took part in three camps, two in Macedonia and one in Albania. As you may remember from my previous newsletters, earlier this year I joined Young Life as a volunteer leader. This resulted this summer in me being asked to be a cabin leader during both Macedonian camps. In this, I was given responsibility for ten of the boys on each camp, journeying through those weeks together with them, engaging in all of the games and activities, getting to know them and growing in conversation with them about faith in Jesus. It's safe to say that I was quite nervous to start with. Never having done this before, I wasn't sure what to expect. But what a privilege!

Through the week there would be lots of things for the kids to engage with. As well as the activities, each day they would be gathered together where they would hear from team members their testimonies and then later on in the evening they would hear a different aspect of the Gospel story. Following this, every day we would have cabin time where each cabin leader took their respective cabins aside and processed the talks with them, asking them questions, opening up to them about life which in turn enabled them to open up about their own lives. It was amazing to be a part of these, getting to see how the kids were increasingly engaging with the Gospel. Again, what a privilege! Throughout these weeks, getting to see them building new friendships, encountering the Holy Spirit through different times, growing in their understanding of the Gospel etc. It was very special. And then coming away from those weeks, hearing so many different things from the kids, such as "why would anyone not want to be friends with Jesus?" "It was the best week of my life!" "I've learnt so much about God!" "I'm definitely coming again next year!".

In total, through the three camps, there were about 150 kids, and many of those were hearing the Gospel for the first time. In fact, on the residential Macedonian camp, half of the kids were coming from an orphanage. For us now, we need to make sure that we are continuing to engage the kids, inviting them to the Young Life clubs which will restart this month, helping them to engage with churches if they and their parents would like. During the month of August, we have held two follow up 'pool party' days, which just helped to maintain that connection with the leaders, and the relationships between the kids, especially with so many away at different times on holiday.
One of the day videos on the Albanian camp
In comparison to July, August has been much slower, with many regular meetings pausing for the month. Skopje really does seem to empty during the summer as so many people go on holiday to Greece, Albania or Lake Ohrid. Indeed many businesses, including places like restaurants even close completely for a week or two weeks at a time as staff are given the same time off for annual leave.
What this month has enabled me to do is to meet with more church leaders, especially ones I hadn't previously met. This has been so wonderful. Oftentimes questions have been asked such as, "what's your vision?" "why are you here in Macedonia?" The general expectation for many from their past experience has often been that there is an agenda from foreigners. I think we, as internationals, can often develop a negative reputation in coming into different nations with a sense of 'spiritual imperialism', where we tell nationals what they need to do. This can obviously be very divisive, doesn't help the Kingdom of God and isn't a healthy attitude for us as internationals to have. I'm trying to avoid this. So over time as I'm introducing myself to leaders and getting to know them, one of the things I'm trying to do is purely ask, how can I serve? How can I help? As I'm doing this , it's amazing to see these relationships grow and over time, I am being invited to take part in more and more things, and being asked for my input on things. I obviously don't always get things right, but I think the more that we across the church can demonstrate servant-heartedness towards each other, the more the church will be built up, and the more we will demonstrate the love for Christ for each other.
Games Nights
We are continuing with the games evenings, and they are getting bigger. In trying to keep this fun time of fellowship with a missional edge, conversations have continued to grow about different non-Christians that we can invite to join us, and we are increasingly seeing them come along. Because of the stigma that comes with attending a protestant church, with us being seen as a sect, inviting people into these settings where we can have fun together breaks down these false perceptions, and facilitates conversations about God, and it's exciting to see this happen.
For the success of the Young Life camps. For each of the 150 kids that came to them, that they heard the message of the Gospel (many for the first time), had a really enjoyable time, made new friends, and for the many who now have connections personally to Christians where they didn't before.
For the growing relationships with the church leaders. I give thanks for each of them. They have such wonderful hearts and desire to see God at work and raise up disciples.
For the increasing success of the games nights, with the increasing connection with non-Christians through them and the faith conversations that are happening around them.
That the slightly more relaxed August allowed some extra time of rest.
Prayer Requests:
For the connection with the kids who attended the camps. We want as many as have desire to, to be able to connect with the YL clubs when they restart this month in September. To be able to grow in faith, and have increasing opportunities for those who aren't already, to connect with a local congregation.
I give thanks for the increasing partnership that is taking place between churches, and let's pray for more. It's in unity that the Lord commands a blessing.
That the games nights will lead to even more conversations about faith with non-Christians, and that they might choose to connect with the different Bible studies that are taking place.
Thank you so much for reading my update. Through your partnership, both in prayer and financially you are enabling me to do what I'm doing, and so you are involved in this work. I thank God for each of you. Get in touch, let me know how you're doing. It's wonderful to hear from you.
With much love, and Christ's richest blessings,
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