
Deb Ann Hughes News - July 2023

Dear friends

Hope this newsletter finds you all well.

Well I've been back in the Oasis now for just over 2.5 months. It's like I've never been away.

This picture was given to me by my friend 'C' who came to visit with 'M', my friend from Cairo. Its titled 'JOY'.

I had several Sozo prayer sessions before I left. Thank you Barbara and Phil for your ministry and for praying for me. During these wonderful times God showed me that I am Daddy's girl. So when I received this picture it just reminded of the joy of being in Father's presence.

Lots of things have happened over these last few weeks, many exciting things that God has opened the way for. I'm excited!!

Thank you for your continued support and prayers.
God Bless,
Deborah & Samy



As many of you know I've been praying for many years for a team of doctors to come to the Oasis to do a medical outreach.

Finally at the end of May God opened the door for a team of 5 doctors to visit us here. They were from Assuit in Upper Egypt.

Their journey would take around 18 hours to get to us but they decided to cut across the Sahara desert which meant that they had to get permission from the Army and the government.

They finally got this after a 6 hour wait and then they ran out of petrol on the way. The Army came with some fuel to help them.

Praise God that He protected them and went before them.

So their first day was lost really.

The second day was a Friday so many of the women are busy cleaning homes preparing meals whilst the men pray in the mosque for Friday prayers.

So we couldn't visit the people until the afternoon.

We took the doctors to the local government hospital where they spoke to the manager. They offered their services for the next day. The manager thanked them but he needed to check with someone higher and get back to them. I had felt as I was praying that the doctors should ideally visit people in their homes and then this would lead to having a base in the future.

The manager of the hospital did contact them later that evening and said sorry that he couldn't allow them to work there.

On Friday afternoon we took them to visit an elderly couple and then my friend ZZ where the doctors saw some of the women and children.


Our friends cooked for our guests on the land. They cooked 'mardam' which means 'in the land or sand'.

Chicken and vegetables are prepared and placed on a special metal rack and placed over hot coals in a metal container buried in the sand.

It is then covered with a metal tray, sealed and covered with sand. It is left to cook for 2.5 hours

It was delicious



When I came back to the Oasis last year I tried many times to contact the government minister here. Her name is Fateya, but she never answers her phone or in her office. I wanted to talk to her about health in the Oasis and about the doctors teams that I wanted to bring to the Oasis. I had heard of a place (and seen it being built) at the base of the Shali fortress in the middle of the town.

I had been praying and thinking if we could use the rooms in this place as a base for the doctors.

The day after the team left, a friend contacted my best friend here to say that this exact place could be a possibility and that her brother knew the manager of the building. So we got his number and eventually contacted him and arranged to meet him. I thought if we could use the rooms as a base it would be amazing and could get some chairs and tables etc.

When he opened the door, I was so overwhelmed. It was fully equipped with screens and examination bed, table and cupboards and a brand new ultrasound machine! Wow! God is so good!

The man then said that he had another clinic across town which he took us to see. This was another fully equipped doctor's room with another brand new ultrasound machine, a fully dental practice and opticians.

This place was amazing.
Thank you Jesus.
His timing is right and perfect.

We can use these rooms whenever we like to help the poor here access medical care.

The manager said that we can use it for free. No cost involved.

Praise God. I left this place crying.....full of joy that Father has heard the cries of my heart over all these years.

How great is our God. ??




Sohair has been coming now to the Oasis for several years. She teaches the women and children Arabic in their homes.

Many of the ladies are asking her to start a preschool for their children aged 4 to 6 years old. This is a major breakthrough.

Please pray that she will find a room or home suitable to start this.

Also she was asked to attend a meeting where they help to train and teach the women here about embroidery and sewing.

Again, I believe this is God's favour and another open door. Praise God



'S' is an Egyptian man who has a heart for agriculture. God is using him mightily at the moment as he is speaking to ambassadors and ministers to advise them of how to utilise the land. He also has a heart for refugees and was recently speaking at the UN about the plight of the refugees from Sudan.

Our friends 'M' and 'F' and some our their team brought 'S' to visit the Oasis. They met with some of the local farmers and some of our friends to discuss possible pilot projects to grow soya beans and crop rotation to get the most out of the land. They also met the local Sheikh and the main leaders of the development in the Oasis. 'S' will now meet with ambassadors to try to secure funding for these projects.

Another open door.
Praise God.
Please pray for 'S', for favour, wisdom,discernment and protection.

Please pray for.....

  • Give thanks for the team of doctors that came. Please pray that they would come again very soon. Ideally would love to see medical outreach here every month.
  • God's provision of the use of the clinics for future medical outreaches.
  • 'S' and his future meetings to try to secure funding for pilot projects to start as BAM here in the Oasis.
  • Sohair, for wisdom and discernment.
  • Thankfulness for these open doors....
  • Need more intercessors to stand in prayer for us and other Ministries coming to the Oasis.
  • my health (Deborah )
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