King’s Kids Indonesia February 2022 Update


Hello dear friends, family and supporters, I trust you are well, Praise God we are all well here, I was waiting till after Christmas to send and update and all of a sudden, it’s mid-February! I can’t keep up with how quickly time is flying these days!.

Christmas this year was a bit different for us we just had a wee ‘quiet’ family affair but our family has grown to 50 so there wasn’t much quiet to be had, everyone enjoyed themselves and loved their presents so a big shout out to all who helped by contributing to that cause. For the first time in over 5/6 years, we took everyone on a wee retreat to a site that had a campfire and a swimming pool, the kids had a blast although it was a challenge for us adults as it was it was huge dorm rooms that slept 30! (of which we had 2) it was not easy to sleep with all the snoring and night noises of so many people, but it was great fun and lovely to be out in nature enjoying some quality time together in a different setting worshiping, celebrating and playing.

In November we started out single mums DTS (Discipleship Training School) and it has been amazing. This DTS is a storytelling one based solely on stories throughout the old and new testaments. God himself has brought revelation and truth to these ladies and not the words of talented teachers. We have 6 mums and each have gone through amazing transformation, it is just above and beyond what we had hoped it would be, God has once again exceeded our expectations. Our ladies have found freedom from years of trauma and abuse, been released from phobias and deep fears, found their identity in Christ and been able to leave behind bitterness and pain and walk out in a new found confidence and joy as precious daughters of the High King! It is such a privilege for us to see them flourishing and becoming much more secure, happy and confident ladies, they are hearing God so clearly and bravely walking into all that He has for them.


Discussion time, single mums, their kids and staff

They are currently completing their final week of the theory phase and preparing to go on outreach over the next 3 months where they will minister to the poor, sick and hurting. As they have children, they will be in two teams, one will be home with the kids doing local ministry while the other team goes to a different location then they will swap over every two weeks or so. Please pray for the logistics and finances of this venture, it’s a bit more complicated than groups without kids. We want it to be a special time of blessing and growth for all and not a stress or loss for the kids but that they will benefit and grow also. We have seen great changes in the children too as they have seen their mothers change and practice what they learned. The kids are now calmer and more compassionate, praying for their friends and family members who are sick or do not yet know Jesus.

3-4Meet little Monica, the newest precious child to our family. Monica is 5 years old, from Papua and a joy to have, she can’t wait to start school and asks daily if it’s time yet. She just had her 1 st birthday with us and we loved to show her how special she is on her special day. She was a late child to a very poor family who could not afford to feed and school here. She is loving her big family here and having so many friends to play with.

On the 4th of December a volcano just a few hours from us erupted causing large scale destruction. Over 5,000 people were affected, almost 3,000 homes lost, almost 200 injured and almost 50 dead or missing. The immediate need was food, water, clothes, blankets and essentials, we took a team of six of our teens and spent a few days bringing some relief to the displaced families and trauma healing with the children, it was a sobering time seeing the scale of the damage, and the evacuation camps, we were thankful to be able to help in small ways and bring a smile to the children’s faces.


We received some donations that helped us buy supplies and we are planning a longer term effort including our DTS doing some ministry there during their outreach shortly. Our aim is to set up a base and a more permanent ministry and service to the people there, we would value your support and prayers for such a venture.

Two of our older boys left us this month to attend discipleship courses which we are over the moon about, excited to see what God will do in and through them and where He will lead them from here. We also sadly said goodbye to one of our staff Mena from Papua who has served with us for almost 5 years. She leaves a big hole and will be missed, we are now a bit understaffed and so would value prayers for that need.

We have been getting the kids involved in some clean up and gardening projects and are hoping for some nice veggies soon from our own garden.


Some fun photos of campfires, swimming, worship, work duty, pizza night, etc.

We have quite a lively group of active kids and lockdown is hard on us all, please remember us in your prayers.

Want to be Involved?

  • Please pray, we have more kids on the way but we now need more staff to enable us to serve the kids well.
  • Be a child sponsor, a fun way to support and be connected with one of our kids
  • We would love people who would like to partner with the single mums for their outreach and the next step, both prayerfully and financially
  • We continue to fundraise to be able to plant a new ministry in Sumba Island, We have the land but still need funds to be able to start building
  • Come visit us, bring a friend or a team, if the borders are fully open, we are ready and happy to receive volunteers.
  • Please pray for us daily, the staff for strength wisdom and patience to deal with our lively lot, for the kids to grow into amazing individuals with a passion for Jesus and people.

Thank you for taking the time to read our update I hope you enjoyed it, should you want any further detail on anything please email me on or whatsapp 0062 82142 552728.

God Bless you and protect you, and may His Grace be upon you always.

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