King’s Kids Indonesia October 2022 Update

1Warmest greetings from Indonesia! As usual it has been too long since our last update which means there is a lot to catch up on! Here is a recent photo of an amazing day out we had to the safari park sponsored by our dear friend Chloe Beckett who came to volunteer with us.

So where to start? How about I introduce two of our newest members to our ever-growing family?

2-3Meet Lebron who’s 10 on the left, he’s from Papua, he lived in a very rough and volatile area and his mum was afraid for his life if he stayed there.

On the right is Daniel 11 who recently lost his father to Covid and was being raised by his very elderly and sick grandparents.

Both boys are settling in well with us, we are expecting another boy to join us very soon again from Papua.

All our kids are doing well, we have been able to form and agreement with a local Christian school that was founded by a missionary who grew up in Indonesia and has an amazing vision and heart for kids, holistic education and with a strong Godly and missions theme. It’s normally very expensive to get a child in there but after a few meetings they were on board with our two ministries working together and we now have 4 kids in their first year of high school there with another 4 kids going to be joining them in the next school year, with a view to all our kids slowly integrating, it is truly the hand of God that has enable this to happen and we are so thankful.


Our older kids weren’t ready early enough for their photos! We have 8 kids in senior high, 1 girl, Memey in University and 2 on discipleship training. Joshua finished his DTS and went on to do a School of Worship with Ywam Bali and is doing really well.

Our single mum’s DTS has finsished, they had a great outreach and were able to minster to many people who were sick, lonely and lost they came together really well as a team and saw God work in and through them in amazing ways. Their kids did really well while their mums were on outreach, we split the outreach into two teams and while one was away on outreach the other was doing ministry at the home with their kids and local community.


10-11Four of the mums are staying on with us, since they graduated the ladies have been ministering to many hurting ladies and families and have had opportunities to share their stories with many bringing encouragement and hope.

We have just hosted a Ywam Indonesia Gathering for 150! It was an amazing 4 days of worship, workshops, sharing and most importantly fellowship. It was so good to come together as one after 6 long years! It was a lot of work but our team did amazing and everyone was very grateful to have the chance to reunite


Can you spot us?
Our kids performed a dance at the opening of the gathering and again at the closing, they did amazing and I was so proud of them, here are the Youtube links to their performances and

October is my birthday month, so as a special treat I ordered Pizza….5 meters worth of Pizza! And it was gone in less than half an hour!!! We set up in the carport and had our two ministries together so it was around 55 people for dinner, we had a great night of fellowship, good food and a lot of fun!


Coming up….please pray

New DTS in February please pray for the logistics, finance, I think we need to find another house to rent as the two we have are pretty full already! We have potentially a large amount of people wanting to do DTS with us! We currently have 36 in our house and 10 in the house of Restoration (HORE). If the DTS has more than 5 students we will need to rent another house, this is a good problem to have as it means God is moving and lives are being changed.

DaphneDaphne, one of our single mums was asked to share her story to over 200 women, many of which had been abused and felt ashamed and unworthy. They heard Daphne share on how God restored her from her sin and broken past, Daphne, a single mum, has suffered abuse and has two young children with different fathers. Her testimony gave them a real hope and assurance that God could and would do the same for them. There was a real move of the Holy Spirit in that event and many came forward for prayer and ministry, including young people in ministry who weren’t living honest holy lives, they were able to break free and receive forgiveness and restoration. We are planning to follow up with these people with a discipleship training course so it’s not just a one off experience with God but so they can grow in faith and freedom, please pray for this amazing opportunity and for these women.

We are working with a family that have recently been reconciled and come back to Christ after a very rocky road, we are finding more and more people in this situation, Novi and I as well as the staff at the Single mums house have been counselling, mentoring and guiding such couples and are helping them to find their way and build a strong bond with God and their spouses. This seems to be an increasing need that we find ourselves ministering into, please pray for us for wisdom as we impart into their lives.

November: Novi and I are planning to go to Nias on Sumatera Island where he will be the speaker at a seminar for pastors to help equip and strengthen them and also a big youth event to try and champion them for Jesus in their tough hostile environment. Novi is also teaching at a DTS on Kupang Island on Leadership in the month of December. He is now an Elder of Ywam Indonesia. We covet your prayers for all these events and the opportunities for new souls they present.

Christmas!! I can’t believe it’s just around the corner, the kids are looking forward to it. There is a special King’s Kids camp in Bali in January that our kids would love to attend but for that to happen we really need people to help us to fund this as it’s approx. 50pounds per person. We are hoping to take a few to the camp if possible, we would drive over as the flights are so expensive just now. It takes about 10 hrs by car.

Indonesia has opened her borders again finally and is now offering an online visa on arrival which makes coming to visit us so much easier. We are open and more than willing to have singles, families and/or teams come visit and work along beside us for a time, please contact me if you are interested.

If you can’t come to visit us, there are other ways to be involved and partner with us, we are always looking for prayer partners to support our ministries and also people who can stand with us and help in a financial way, the more going on, the more the costs rise, especially in today’s climate, would you consider partnering with us in that way? See and be a part of what God is doing in this beautiful country and in the lives of our young mums, families and children. If that is of interest, please reach out to me via WhatsApp (+6282142552728) or email.

Once again, thank you all for your love, friendship and support of the years. We love and Bless you x Let us know how we can pray for you too. We would love to hear from you. Hope you enjoyed our update.

  more from Novi and Sheryl Maatitawaer
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